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Download CUDAminer 2014-02-28 Nvidia GPU Miner for GPU Coin Mining

10 Mar


If you want to mine GPU Coin with Nvidia GPUs you will need to use the cudaminer software miner. GPUC uses Scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor and not the standard Scrypt algorithm, so you need to run cudaminer with the –algo=scrypt:2048 parameter and not just with –algo=scrypt. Do have in mind that you should see about half of the typical Scrypt hashrate you get when you start mining for GPU Coin and that is absolutely normal due to the different algorithm being used.

We have tested mining for GPU Coin with a GeForce GTX 750 Ti video card running at stock frequencies and got about 134 KHS hashrate, after overclocking we’ve managed to get up to about 146 KHS. The kernel configuration that we found to work best was T10x24 on the GTX 750 Ti and this is the command line parameters we’ve used to launch the miner:

cudaminer.exe --algo=scrypt:2048 -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourworker.1 -p password -i 0 -l T10x20 -C 1 -H 2

Below you can download the latest version of cudaminer 2014-02-28 for Windows with BAT files ready with the settings for mining GPU Coin, so you just need to configure them with your pool settings and start mining. Note that the default settings are the best for mining with GTX 750 Ti graphics cards, so you might need to change the kernel to another one based on your GPU or just remove the line setting up the kernel to use the autotune feature.

Download the latest CUDAminer 2014-02-28 Nvidia GPU mining software for Windows…

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8 Responses to Download CUDAminer 2014-02-28 Nvidia GPU Miner for GPU Coin Mining


March 10th, 2014 at 17:38


I am using Nvidia Geforce GT 740M for mining gpucoin,but when i try your cudaminer dint work..Please help me ..tq


March 10th, 2014 at 18:33

baem, just remove the -l T10x20 part from the command line and use the autotune feature of cudaminer.


April 22nd, 2014 at 03:59

The Maxwell 750 Ti does 245Khash out of the box. The overclocked version out of the box does 268 Khash out of the box. Mine runs just perfect at 278Khash around the clock. By the way its doing it on 37.5 watts. Which by the way blows each and every amd gpu out of the water on output per watt. And the 780 Maxwell isn’t even out yet. IT will probably do 1 mhash on 37.5 watts.


May 5th, 2017 at 17:53

i’m using nvidia 9200m gs wanna mining bytecoin, is it possible?
if yes, how?


May 6th, 2017 at 01:33

It is not recommended to use a mobile video card for crypto mining. You cannot mine BCN with cudaminer, you need a more recent fork of ccMiner with CryptoNight algorithm support.


December 12th, 2017 at 23:01

Hey there.. I was mining NYC for a couple of days and then I had to restart my PC. Since then everytime I run CudaMiner I get a series of errors related to Visual Studio 2010.. I reinstalled Vcredist 2010 but I’m still getting this error.. Is there a fix that you know of?


February 19th, 2018 at 00:57

Hey there.. I was mining NYC for a couple of days and then I had to restart my PC. Since then everytime I run CudaMiner I get a series of errors related to Visual Studio 2010.. I reinstalled Vcredist 2010 but I’m still getting this error.. Is there a fix that you know of?


November 14th, 2018 at 19:23

Hey there.. I was mining NYC for a couple of days and then I had to restart my PC. Since then everytime I run CudaMiner I get a series of errors related to Visual Studio 2010.. I reinstalled Vcredist 2010 but I’m still getting this error.. Is there a fix that you know of?

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