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Updated z-enemy 1.19 Nvidia GPU Miner With Improved Stability and Performance

11 Sep

One more update for the zealot/enemy miner aka z-enemy 1.19 that adds some extra performance improvement of about 5-7% for the supported algorithms like X16, X17, Bitcore, C11, Hex and so on. The new version also brings additional stability improvements, so if you are having trouble with a previous release, you should definitely try the new one. Do note that the 32-bit vrsion does seem to be faster in some algorithms compared to the 64-bit release, but you better test yourself on your own hardware.

The latest z-enemy version 1.19 is available for CUDA 9.1 and 9.2 for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions as well as CUDA 9.0, CUDA 9.1 an CUDA 9.2 binaries for Linux (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu). Do note that for maximum performance it is recommended to have the latest drivers installed (ver. 398+). We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development.

Windows Downloads:
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.1 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.1 64-bit
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.2 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.19 Windows CUDA 9.2 64-bit

Linux Download (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu):
Download z-enemy 1.19 Linux CUDA 9.0
Download z-enemy 1.19 Linux CUDA 9.1
Download z-enemy 1.19 Linux CUDA 9.2

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3 Responses to Updated z-enemy 1.19 Nvidia GPU Miner With Improved Stability and Performance


September 11th, 2018 at 21:55

I noticed that you use Cuda 9.1, not 9.2, is this for a specific reason?


September 11th, 2018 at 23:19

No specific reason…


September 25th, 2018 at 00:21

Are there any instructions on how to install zenemy for linux? I can’t find any wiki or info on how to install it. All I see is z-enemy in the tarball file and when I run it I get

/z-enemy: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CURL_OPENSSL_3′ not found (required by ./z-enemy)

What are the dependencies for running zenemy? I installed the following:
libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev automake

Am I missing something? Thx!

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