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Bitcoin Interest (BCI) and the New ProgPoW Mining Algorithm

15 Sep

A few days ago the Bitcoin Interest (BCI) fork of Bitcoin has successfully switched to the ProgPoW algorithm, becoming the first crypto coin to actually utilize this new algorithm. ProgPoW is a proof-of-work algorithm designed to close the efficiency gap available to specialized ASICs. It utilizes almost all parts of commodity hardware (GPUs), and comes pre-tuned for the most common GPU hardware utilized in the Ethereum network. The design goal of ProgPoW is to have the algorithm’s requirements match what is available on commodity GPUs, so if the algorithm were to be implemented on a custom ASIC hardware there should be little opportunity for efficiency gains compared to a commodity GPU. This all means that in theory the ProgPoW algorithm will not see ASIC mining hardware, due to no opportunity to get much faster speeds compared to what a GPU is capable of delivering. This essentially means that ProgPoW should in theory be a really ASIC-resistant proof of work algorithm…

If you are interested in more details you can check the official BCI website, and miners would most likely be interested in the mining software, pools and a Bitcoin Interest mining calculator in order to see what is the current mining profitability of your GPU rigs. Here you can also find a BCI Block Explorer to see how are things progressing with the Bitcoin Interest blockchain. You might also be interested in the Bitcoin Interest GitHub repository for the official wallets, miners and so on.

BCI ProgPoW Miners:
Nvdia ProgPoW miner for Windows
AMD ProgPoW miner for Windows
ProgPoW miners for Linux

BCI Mining Pools:

BCI Exchanges:

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2 Responses to Bitcoin Interest (BCI) and the New ProgPoW Mining Algorithm


September 16th, 2018 at 00:22

Ok so initially I was confused about how to reconcile the PoW with staking they mentioned:

“Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”) is a competitive staking cryptocurrency.
We have decentralized the staking process and reward you for holding.
We are the first coin to utilize the ProgPoW algorithm”

but looking at this page:

the “staking” isn’t from proof-of-stake to generate blocks and the distribute the rewards but rather automatic interest payments after the mining


September 16th, 2018 at 13:27

Block reward goes to miners + stakers. You can keep your coins in cold storage and stake with them.

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