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Braiins OS, An Opensource Operating System for ASIC Miners

3 Oct

Braiins is the company behind one of the oldest and most trusted Bitcoin mining pools – Slush Pool, and they something new and interesting to show – an alternative opensource operating system for Bitcoin ASIC miners in the form of what they call Braiins OS. It is the very first fully open-source, Linux-based operating system for cryptocurrency embedded devices with the initial release targeted on mining devices and more specifically Bitcoin ASIC miners. Braiins OS has been developed for two primary reasons: to be open-source and have no “hidden features” and to work stable following standards without issues.

The first release includes images for Antminer S9 and DragonMint T1 (only the variant with Xilinx based control boards). Braiins OS is currently mostly on par with the official vendor firmware at this point. It monitors the hardware and its working conditions, handles errors and provides various performance data, but more features will be introduced making it a more interesting alternative. Most importantly possible performance improvements are being looked into as that would probably please the miners the most. The Braiins OS is intended to integrate flawlessly with the Slush Pool, but it should be just fine with any other alternative pool for SHA256 mining, so you are not going to be limited in where to mine with it.

Be aware that Braiins OS is still in alpha stage and has not been tested on a large scale yet, so you might want to start by deploying to single miner to give it a go before deciding to deploy on larger scale!

For more details about the alternative Braiins OS for Bitcoin ASIC miners…

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4 Responses to Braiins OS, An Opensource Operating System for ASIC Miners


May 27th, 2020 at 01:25

Hi, any chance you can give me some pointers on settings in Braiins OS+ I cant seem to get to 12.2TH/s @ 780W. A guy on ebay states that he has mastered this, I have been trying to match this for over a week with no success, am I waiting my time. Is he for real?


May 27th, 2020 at 06:51

We haven’t seen 12.2 TH/s for an air cooled S9 with Braiins OS+, up to about 11 for that power consumption. Do have in mind though that autotune takes into account the cooling and state of your mining hardware. Since it does its job automatically for the user set parameters there is probably not that much you can do to get significantly better results – try playing with the power values a bit around 780 W and with the cooling fan settings as well.


January 13th, 2022 at 23:05

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January 13th, 2022 at 23:06

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