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Braiins OS Wolfram With AsicBoost Support for All S9 ASIC Miners

26 Oct

While we are still waiting Bitmain to release AsicBoost support for all of its Antminer S9 variations, Braiins OS Wolfram was made available from the Braiins team. This new release of the Braiins opensource OS for Bitcoin ASIC miners comes with support for all Antminer S9 variants and adds support for AsicBoost as well, it also works on DragonMint T1 (only the variant with Xilinx based control boards). Aside from AsicBoost support on S9 mining hardware, by using the Braiins OS Wolfram you also get the ability to change the clock frequency and voltage for the miners on per hashboard basis, so more tweaking options.

Braiins OS uses over (version-rolling) AsicBoost in accordance with BIP310. For Antminer S9, this is currently done using the bitstream provided by the manufacturer, but the goal is to switch to a custom open-source bitstream as soon as possible. All Antminer S9 models (S9, S9i, S9j) are supported, however, the amount of possible variations is rather high, so for this reason it is recommend to test an SD card image first on a single device and once you are confident that the firmware operates according to your expectations, you can apply factory transitional firmware images. Then you can start tweaking the voltage and frequency settings to utilize the extra power savings that you should get of about %13 thanks o the use of AsicBoost.

For more details about the new Braiins OS Wolfram for Bitcoin ASIC miners with AsicBoost support…

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2 Responses to Braiins OS Wolfram With AsicBoost Support for All S9 ASIC Miners


October 27th, 2018 at 21:42

This type of enterprise is taking the path of least resistance.
They have zero interest or motivation to deal with larger issues that need to be addressed, that MANY are turning a blind eye towards.
This is tragic, but predictable due to the immaturity of the field as a whole.

William Miller

January 29th, 2019 at 10:57

Personally, I think BraiinsOS is brilliant! I have been able to attain much higher rates than with the ‘standard firmwae’!

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