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New Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster ASIC Miner

22 Mar

It seems that not only Bitmain it getting back in the game with a more powerful Equihash ASIC miner, but Innosilicon also has a new offer for such device. The new Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster is the successor of their original A9 Zmaster ASIC from last year that offered 50 Ksol/s hashrate for Equihash. The new Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster comes with 140 Ksol/s hashrate at 1550W of power usage, so efficiency wise it does not seem much better than the original A9 Zmaster – it is almost 3 times faster at almost 3 times the power usage. Innosilicon listed briefly Innosilicon Equihash A9+ ZMaster (with just one plus) with 120 Ksol/s at the same 1550W, but it is not available anymore.

The Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster is available for order at a price of $1580 USD (without a power supply). It is very similar specifications wise to what Bitmain is offering with their AntMiner Z11, however the A9++ ZMaster could ship faster and be in your hands a bit early. The problem is that unlike Bitmain that caught up with their new product, Innosilicon seems to have just put more of the chips into a bigger device as they were ahead of Bitmain specs wise already with their A9.

Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster Specifications:
– Hashrate: 140Ksol/s +/-6%
– Power Consumption: 1550W +/-10% (normal mode, at the wall, with 93% efficiency PSU. 25°C temperature)
– Dimensions: 360mm(L)*250mm(W)*155mm(H), dual tube
– Net Weight: 11KG
– Ambient Temperature: 0°C to 40°C
– Network Connection: Ethernet

More about the new Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster Equihash ASIC miner…

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2 Responses to New Innosilicon Equihash A9++ ZMaster ASIC Miner

Todd Bailey

January 19th, 2020 at 23:36

Regarding the A9 zmaster, I’m in search of a replacement controller controller card. The logical place to find one was Innosilicon buit they are not very user friendly, they wanted 87 usd plus 75 usd for shipping and a wire transfer to pay for it all, Fyi Banks charge serious coin for a wire transfer (B of A for example wants $45). so I’d be out $207. Insane eh? heck I only paid 250 for the A9. I did find a similar controller an S11 that could be reflashed but Innosilicon will charge 20 plus 75 to cover shipping plus (i guessing) 25 for me to send it to them. Still no deal to be had.
I’m wondering could I use a different controller card like the one from the A9++ or maybe a bit main card? I’ve been able to find them on ebay for a much more sane price. Another thought would be to scrape the a9 for parts and sell them on ebay and buy another a9. Unless anyone has other suggestions

Todd Bailey

January 19th, 2020 at 23:38

fyi: the a9 and the s11 controller do not have a sd card reader to do an reimage from. Thanks again innosilicon

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