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The Latest Brave Browser Beta Features Brave Ads for Testing

2 Apr

The latest Brave Browser Beta apparently features Brave Ads available for testing (the Beta version of the browser is a separate install and will not affect an existing installation of the official Brave browser if already installed!). After activating Brave Rewards users can opt in to view private ads and will be able to claim BAT tokens accumulated for having viewed ads. At the moment the only setting you have available for the Brave Ads is the number of ads you will be shown per hour (1 to 5). We were interested to see how the new Brave Ads feature actually works, but in 30 minutes deliberately trying to see at least 1 ad we have been unsuccessful so far. You are welcome to give it a try and see if you will have more luck and if you do feel free to leave a comment below…

To download the latest Brave Browser Beta and give Brave Ads a try…

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2 Responses to The Latest Brave Browser Beta Features Brave Ads for Testing


April 3rd, 2019 at 00:27

As great as Brave looks from a distance, it’s a really sketchy browser, replacing ads with their own on websites without consent, basically earning money from other people’s sites, selling worthless tokens that cost them nothing in exchange. Adblock at least just disable ads, while Brave is practically stealing.

I can’t believe people still don’t dismiss token coins. They’re inherently worthless and decentralized, going against crypto basics. As unfair and frowned upon even small premine was years ago, 100% premine (=all tokens) is sometimes still considered ok.


April 3rd, 2019 at 10:48


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