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Try the New VerthashMiner v0.6.2 For Mining VertCoin (VTC)

5 Feb

If you have spotted the recently forked VertCoin (VTC) to the new Verthash algorithm and are interested in mining it, then you might head on to download the latest VerthashMiner v0.6.2 to do so. This is especially important for owners of AMD Radeon RX 400/500 series of GPUs with just 4GB of video memory as these really need an alternative to mining Ethereum (ETH) and pointing them towards mining VTC could be just what you need. While you can Still Mine Ethereum With AMD Radeon RX 400/500 Series 4GB GPUs the performance continues to drop with each new DAG epoch and these cards are soon to be retired or moved to an alternative and more profitable crypto coin and VertCoin could be that alternative.

The new VerthashMiner v0.6.2 doesn’t bring any performance improvements, but instead addresses one very important issue that the previous version 0.6.1 had. With the new release you now can generate the verthash.dat file needed for the mining process just using the miner itself – there is no need to download it or use the VTC wallet to generate it before you can start mining. What you need is to just run the new VerthashMiner with the gen-verthash-data command line parameter and the name of the file you want to use such as verthash.dat:

VerthashMiner.exe --gen-verthash-data verthash.dat

Do note that the verthash.dat file generation is a time-consuming process that on a quad-core Intel Core-i5 6500T CPU with a SATA SSD can take around 10 minutes to generate using VerthashMiner v0.6.2. The good thing is that you need to generate the data file just one and then when you run the miner with the normal mining command line parameters it just loads it and starts mining.

SimpleMining OS (SMOS) has just implemented VertCoin (VTC) mining support in their latest update and has added verthashminer-v0.6.2, though mining VTC is still not going to be perfect there as the verthash.dat file will be generated on each run of the miner, but hey, at least it works and you can mine VTC using the dedicated Linux mining OS.

To Download the Latest AMD/Nvidia GPU VerthashMiner v0.6.2 for VertCoin (VTC)…

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2 Responses to Try the New VerthashMiner v0.6.2 For Mining VertCoin (VTC)


February 5th, 2021 at 16:33

Hey, i would like to ask few questions..
I’m using simplemining, and was trying to run my rig on Vertcoin
They have implemented verthashminer-v0.6.2-cuda11.0 , and my setup there is :
-o stratum+tcp:// -u vtc1qjfrjcsjn5hw86kmeeanvt3az8uhkrcwk67umz0.$rigName -p x --verthash-data verthash.dat --all-cu-devices --all-cl-devices

The system generated all files, ( takes some time ) but it is not starting to mine.. Don’t do restarts or something, just don’t wanna show the hashes and process…
The screen shows how it looks like.. I would be very thankful if some 1 help me :)



February 5th, 2021 at 21:30

Not sure what is the issue here, maybe something with simplemining as the command line you set for the miner seems to work just fine, maybe your power limit is too low?

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