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The PBMining Bitcoin Cloud Mining Service is Growing Steadily

24 Jun


We have started testing the PBMining Bitcoin cloud mining service about 4 months ago and it has been operating for about 5 months in total so far. We were a bit skeptical at first with the operations behind the service willing to stay more anonymous and with the fact that the service offers 5 year Bitcoin cloud mining contracts for a price that is really very attractive as compared to other services that sell you cloud mining hashrate for a period of just 1 year and for higher price. But now, a few months later we can say that we are really happy with the service and this is probably the only such service we have tried so far that hasn’t had any problems after using it for so long. Furthermore the service does continue to update their prices bringing them down with each difficulty readjustment, so if you buy hashrate over time such as reinvesting some of your mined earnings you will get it at a better price later on to compensate for the increase in difficulty.

Back in February, when we have started testing and using the service they’ve had just about 14.4 THS worth of hashrate to sell and at the moment their website shows that the total hashrate has increased up to about 829 THS. The price per 1 GHS of cloud mining hashrate back then was 0.0107 BTC and at the moment you can purchase it for 0.0036 BTC. So if you are looking for Bitcoin cloud mining service to try we can recommend to give this one a go, though as usual we do advice to start with just a few GHS to try it out and then decide if it seems trustworthy enough to invest in more hashrate. What could be improved from our point of view is the fact that the service does a weekly payout of your earnings, it would’ve been better if that was a daily instead of weekly one, especially if you have a lot of hashrate. Though weekly payments are still Ok for smaller hashrate contracts and we have never had a problem with the payments.

For more information and to try out the PB Mining Bitcoin cloud mining service…

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3 Responses to The PBMining Bitcoin Cloud Mining Service is Growing Steadily


June 24th, 2014 at 18:49

Do you know if they allow you to point your hashing power at other pools or are you stuck with what they give you?

I love your blog and all the great info!


June 24th, 2014 at 20:21

Unfortunately you have no control of the hashrate you get, it is supposedly mining in a private Bitcoin pool.

Samy Liberman

December 16th, 2014 at 01:38

Just to inform… they start paying almost NOTHING… when asked, the answer:

PBMining Admin
12:49 AM (20 hours ago)
to me

pb mining is currently a failing business and a recovery is trying to be made. if you feel you have suffered a loss i am sincerely sorry, our losses are very large as well. there are thousands of customers affected by this. other options are also being looked at for sources of recovery.

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