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Did You Get Your MtGox Post Card from the Tokyo District Court

2 Jul


It seems that the Tokyo District Court of Japan has sent post cards to all of the MtGox users detailing what is happening and what procedures will be taken from now on regarding the order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings for the MtGox. People have started receiving these notices by mail and today we also just got our notice. The contents of the card are apparently identical, so no personal information such as what is the amount of BTC or cash you’ve had in the exchange when it was closed, but you can still check your balance from the official website.


Here are the details from the post card we have received in English, there is also a Japanese version on the other side that we did not scan. We expect that every user of MtGox will be getting one of these, so if you were using the Bitcoin exchange you are most likely going to get one too if you still haven’t. So don’t be surprised if/when you get one of these in your mailbox in the following few days…

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7 Responses to Did You Get Your MtGox Post Card from the Tokyo District Court


July 2nd, 2014 at 20:55

Recieved one in japanese. Couldn’t make anything out of it but it was posted as PDF in both chinese/english @ the website of mtgox:


July 2nd, 2014 at 22:40

adriaan, are you sure it was only in Japanese? Maybe you did not open it completely, the English version should be on the other side.


July 3rd, 2014 at 18:25

Hi Admin, i see it now haha. Its possible to open he front side (with my name/adress) to. and there is the english version. Thanks for your response ;)


July 4th, 2014 at 01:26

Yeah it took me a few minutes to find the english also. My post office was very confused by it, since it doesn’t have any post office stamps on it. They were trying to decide if I had to pay the postage.


July 4th, 2014 at 02:39

what frame size would i need for that, A4 or letter?


July 4th, 2014 at 10:21

TC, we were actually also considering framing it… the size is a bit weird when you open it up completely, a little longer than an A4 sheet of paper, though it will most likely fit inside a frame for A4.

Kathy Rose

March 28th, 2015 at 09:56

i need to know the exact frame size can anyone plz help?

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