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Universal Molecule (UMO) Added to BlakeCoin Merged Mining

24 Jul


The Blake-256 based crypto currencies merged mining now has another new addition, the new coin is called Universal Molecule (UMO), bringing the total number of merged mined coins to 6 (including BlakeCoin). UMO is still pretty new coin, but it is already available for trade on an exchange and the previously released coins are also traded on multiple exchanges, so if you still haven’t tried merged mining for BLC + 5 other Blake-256 coins, then you might want to check things out. The merged mining of Blake-256 is not a good idea on Nvidia GPUs, even though there is a miner available, it is not that good performance wise, however the AMD GPU miner is working well.

Blake-256 Algorithm GPU miners:
Cgminer 3.7.2 with Blake-256 support for AMD
Cgminer 3.1.1 with Blake-256 support for AMD
CudaMiner with Blake-256 support for Nvidia
ccMiner with Blake-256 support for Nvidia

Pools for Merged Mining of Blake-256 coins:

Exchanges for trading Blake-256 coins:
Atomic Trade (BLC, BBTC, XDQ, ELT, PHO, UMO)

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2 Responses to Universal Molecule (UMO) Added to BlakeCoin Merged Mining

Darryl Raju Bouchard

January 13th, 2018 at 06:00

thank you for your blog…I am new to blake 256 can you direct me to a guide to what constitures a B-256 is this different from sha-256 if how…is there info explaining why coins would be created as blake 256 advantages disadvantages…does it provide more privacy etc


February 3rd, 2018 at 13:25

Can I mining it with asic?
Thank you so much.

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