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Awesome Miner with Automated Profit Switching Support

12 Aug


Awesome Miner is a Windows-based application for managing and monitoring mining rigs for Bitcoin, Litecoin and other crypto currencies supporting multiple mining engines including the most commonly used ones such as cgminer and sgminer, so that it can be used with not only GPU mining rigs, but some FPGA and ASICs as well. But probably the most interesting feature of the Awesome Miner software is the so called Awesome Profit Switching that allows you to get the highest profit from your mining hardware by automatically switching to the most profitable pool and algorithm. Currently the automatic profit switching algorithm supports NiceHash, TradeMyBit, LTCRabbit and Yaamp as pools.

Do note that the Awesome Miner software has a Free edition as well as a few paid versions available, the main difference is that the paid versions offer some more extras as well as well as higher maximum number of mining instances. The free version of Awesome Miner has a limit of 2 miner processes, so this is the most significant difference compared to the paid version of the software. However you can still try the free version to check out the Awesome Profit Switching functionality. And if you still haven’t tried the free Nicehash Control Tool, you might also check the packages that we have prepared for AMD and Nvidia GPUs as an alternative, even if they only support NiceHash.

For more information about the Awesome Profit Switching feature of the Awesome Miner…

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5 Responses to Awesome Miner with Automated Profit Switching Support


August 13th, 2014 at 03:42

Does it work with NVIDIA GPUs?


August 13th, 2014 at 11:25

I was searching for the same answer, it seems it doesn’t support ccminer.


August 13th, 2014 at 11:25

No it doesn’t work with nvidia. It supports only sgminer/cgminer. It’s a technical problem, because ccminer/cudaminer doesn’t have an api to interact with outside programs.


August 13th, 2014 at 13:44

The currently available Nvidia miners do not have an API and the software controls and monitors the miner via API calls, so that is the reason Nvidia GPUs are currently not supported by the software (NiceHash Control does work with Nvidia GPUs). With that said CudaMiner and ccMiner do need some other features besides an API as they are behind by a lot compared to the features available in the latest cgminer, sgminer etc.

Patrik Engström

September 1st, 2014 at 19:55

The latest version of Awesome Miner adds support for ccMiner (nVidia CUDA mining)

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