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Bitmain Has Announced the Cloud Mining Platform Hashnest

1 Sep


Bitmain, one of the top names among the Bitcoin ASIC miner manufacturers, has announced their acquisition of Hashnest – a cloud mining platform which was originally named Snowball Exchange ( Hashnest’s goal is to operate independently in order to build a reliable, economical and decentralized platform that serves the worldwide mining enthusiasts and hosting operators according to the new owner. Originally Snowball was more of a trade platform where you buy and sell actual hosted miners and popular only in China, but it seems that they are moving to providing hashrate to users that is backed up by a large mining farm(s) and opening to the rest to the world. We are not surprised from this news as we’ve recently discussed that cloud mining is going to become more and more attractive alternative to using physical miners for users that are mining crypto currencies. Do note however that as far as Hashnest is considered it is not regarded as a cloud mining service, but as a platform and there is a difference.

UMISOO, the first operator on Hashnest will provide 4 PHS of hashing power, and plans to start the Round 1 subscription at Beijing Time 22:00pm, 2nd September, 2014 (UCT+8:00 Time Zone). The price is flat at 0.0016 BTC per GHS. Due to the anticipated high demand, each user is limited to a maximum of 1000 GHS by default, though this limit can be increased further. The Round 1 hashrate is generated by AntMiner S2 mining hardware (4000 units) with a maintenance fee of $0.0032424 per GHS per Day. Doing some calculations if you purchase 1 THS hashrate you will currently be earning about 0.01834 BTC per day (about $8.78 USD) and the maintenance fee will be $3.2424 USD or the fee is about 37% of what you earn at the moment. The fee is a bit high, though the price per GHS on the other hand is very attractive compared to what other alternative cloud mining operations are currently offering. Even though doing some long term calculations it would take more than a year for you to just ROI, unless of course there is some significant increase in the Bitcoin price that will cause the fee percentage to get lower as it is calculated in dollar price.

If you are interested in checking out the new Bitmain Hashnest cloud mining service yourself…

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