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ZeusMiner Partnering With Rockminer to Offer Bitcoin ASICs

23 Sep


ZeusMiner is making ASIC Scrypt miners, however it seems that the company is also interested in offering Bitcoin mining hardware as well and as a result they have announced a partnership with a well-established brand in BTC mining – Rockminer. As a result of this partnership between the two companies you can purchase the 800 GHS Rockminer T1 ASIC miner at a price of just $369 USD, a nice deal if you are looking to invest in SHA-256 mining hardware. The Rockminer T1 is rated to provide 780-840 GHS hashrate with a power usage of about 1000 Watts, do note that the miner does not come with a PSU included, so you will need to buy it separately and unfortunately this adds extra cost if you don’t yet have a powerful PSU available. Do note that ZeusMiner does ship from China, it is not yet clear if the distributors of Zeus will also be offering Rockchip miners and if the price will be as good.

For more information about the new deal for a Rockminer T1 Bitcoin ASIC miner…

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2 Responses to ZeusMiner Partnering With Rockminer to Offer Bitcoin ASICs


September 24th, 2014 at 08:21

Don’t know about a good price… At 1Kw power usage this isn’t going to get close to making a return on investment unless you have really cheap electricity and the bitcoin price skyrockets.
With my own personal conditions, £0.16 (25 cents) per Kwh, the damn thing looses money from day one according to
Thought it was a misprint on the power usage when I got the e-mail from them.
Keep up the good work.


September 24th, 2014 at 11:32

We just noted tat the price of the miner is good as compared to what it is being sold by other stores for. Other than that the 1000W power usage for the hashrate it provides is definitely not that good, especially if you do not have cheap electricity available.

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