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New sgminer 5 Development Version With Improved Neoscrypt Performance

12 Nov


The newest development version of sgminer 5 (source) now includes an updated kernel for the Neoscrypt crypto algorithm by Wolf9466 that increases the hashrate significantly from the previous release. There is a catch however, the new kernel does not work anymore on Nvidia GPUs, you need to use the previus release for these. Also it seems that the latest kernel optimizations break support for the latest 14.9 AMD drivers, at least on Windows, so you need to use an older driver version (14.6 or 14.7 for example) to generate the kernel binary and then update again to the latest driver for the maximum performance (much like with the older cgminer 3.7.7 fork with Neoscrypt). The new OpenCL kernel is designed to be used with Worksize of 64 for optimum performance and with it you should be able to achieve hashrate of up to about 200-250 KHS or even more with Radeon R9 280X GPU or up to abut 250-300 KHS for Radeon R9 290/290X. We have compiled a windows binary that includes the latest optimized kernel that you can download and try from the link below, if you try it out feel free to share your results from using it.

You can download the new sgminer 5 with improved NeoScrypt hashrate for Windows OS here…

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