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Anyone Still Expecting ASICs From Alpha Technology

16 Nov


The Alpha Technology Scrypt ASIC manufacturer has been silent for more than a month already since their last update, even though they did promise to release a video of a prototype miner after showing pictures of the chips that they have apparently received already. Since then however there is no word on anything going on, no video, no new delay information for the shipment schedule of the actual products, no nothing. Interesting enough the company seems to be still sending partial refunds to users that wanted to get these instead of continue to wait for hardware. In the end the intention of Alpha Technology could’ve been just that – promise something, not delivering it and returning a percentage of the money they’ve got from customers, and keeping the rest. It all sounds a lot like a classic scheme for a scam as apparently the company does not plan to deliver anything, even if they have actually made some hardware, or at least things look more and more like that is the case. In the meantime customers are apparently working on taking legal action against the company, though it seems that many have already asked and received partial refunds and have given up completely on dealing with Alpha Technology as well.

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