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Do Not Pay With Bitcoins at Pi Sipply

18 Apr


A little over a month ago Pi Supply, an online store selling Raspberry Pis and accessories for them among some other interesting products, announced that they have started accepting payments with Bitcoin. We have decided to check how will things go, so we made an order and paid with Bitcoins for it with the idea to share our experience with you after that. Well it is time to share that experience and it is not positive at all, about a month layer we still have not received our order paid with Bitcoins. We have not received any email from Pi Supply saying that they are out of stock or there will be a delay with shipping our order or about any kind of a problem. A few days ago we even tried contacting them to see what is going on since it was getting almost a month since we have made an order and paid for it with BTC… still no answer from the store.

So in short, we would not recommend to purchase anything at Pi Supply and pay with Bitcoins. Do your payments with PayPal and ask for your money back if you end up in a situation like us when you are not getting what you have ordered a month later. You can also pay with a Credit Card and do a Chargeback if you encounter a problem like this, but unfortunately there is not much you can do if you have paid for an order with Bitcoins like we did and you are not getting your ordered items and not getting a reply with an adequate reason. Unfortunately contacting the Bitcoin payment processor that Pi-Supply uses – BitPay and explaining the situation to them did not bring any positive results.

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