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Genesis Hive Software For Managing Big Mining Farms

8 Jul


The cloud mining provider Genesis Mining has announced their project called Genesis Hive – a web interface that enables you to easily setup, watch, and manage your bitcoin or altcoin mining farm. Think of it as the ultimate control panel to manage your mining rigs in a large scale crypto currency mining operation such as the one the company has been operating. In fact the Genesis Hive has been developed for internal use as the company needed to be able to have an easy to use solution for monitoring and controlling of the hardware in their own mining data centers. The project is designed for large scale mining operation and is not intended for small home miners, so if you are interested you can check more details about the solution and inquire for additional information such as hardware compatibility and pricing.

For more information about the Genesis Hive mining farm web-based management software…

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3 Responses to Genesis Hive Software For Managing Big Mining Farms


July 8th, 2015 at 13:19

This looks like a blatant ripoff of Minera…


August 2nd, 2015 at 19:35

Two things:
A. It doesn’t look that much like minera.
2: Do you think minera was a totally original design?
3. It does a lot more than minera.
Not that I care all that much about this topic, but think before you make your little comments.

Wesley Morgan

November 30th, 2017 at 20:30

I need management software for about 1000 ASIC miners. With the ability to configure clients direct access to their miners. Is your software suitable for this?

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