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ZeusHash Has Apparently Stopped Paying Its Customers

24 Oct


ZeusHash has never been the best cloud mining service and even when they tried partnering with a large Chinese mining farm to provide cloud mining hashrate to its customers their offers were never that attractive. We have essentially stopped covering the service as nothing worth mentioning about it has happened in the last few months, but it seems that now there is something important happening. We haven’t even checked our mining account with a few hundred GHS there for quite some time until we have started receiving reports from users that ZeusHash has stopped paying mining dividends to its customers after 20th of October. It seems that many if not all accounts are affected including ours as there have been no mining dividends paid starting 21st of October.

There has been no official announcement about why no new dividends are being added to users accounts, but with the high price of Bitcoin at the moment the reason is definitely not because of mining becoming non-profitable. Trying to reach support users are getting a response that there is an issue they are aware of and than there will be a compensation for the downtime, however nothing has happened for a few days already. So we would not recommend anyone that is considering getting cloud mining hashrate to go for ZeusHash, and if you already have purchased some mining capacity there you should contact support until they finally fix the problem and compensate you for the downtime. The fact that many if not all users have been affected and there is no official announcement from ZeusHash few days later already is not reassuring at all.

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11 Responses to ZeusHash Has Apparently Stopped Paying Its Customers

Zeushash is a ponzi scheme

October 25th, 2015 at 13:31

I can confirm that they did indeed stop paying on October 19th. If you email support they will likely get back to you in broken English with no explanation. If you have already invested, you get left with the empty bag. If you haven’t invested in zeushash, you are fool to now (although early adopters surely could use your funds to keep building the base of this pyramid higher)


October 25th, 2015 at 14:38

I can confirm as well that they stopped paying on Ocotber 19th. A couple of weeks ago, they messed up and sent a bunch of people BTC randomly. They then tried to “buy” it back by offering 100GH for anything over 0.3btc and 50GH for anything less than that. You would have to be really desperate to do this considering the BTC that was sent to most people was far greater than 50 or 100GH offered. You would never, ever get your btc recouped at the low mining speeds.
Not to mention in the whole mess, they sent out emails to customers as a bulk email, thus revealing email addresses to other customers. I was subsequently hacked many times to no success due to this. All I got was a “sorry” in broken English email. This is truly sad. Bunch of scammers….. maybe go hang out with Josh and GAW.


October 25th, 2015 at 17:43

“but with the high price of Bitcoin at the moment the reason is definitely because of mining becoming non-profitable”

Isnt it more profitable, the higher the price get? if this keeps going even my s2 will become profitable again.


October 26th, 2015 at 06:38

Payments resumed today, and my account did get a single payment that was the amount I would have expected to generate over the 6 day period it was down. Communication would have been nice, but their support has never answered my e-mails prior to this, so I hardly expected a reply this time.


October 26th, 2015 at 23:01

I also saw my hourly payments resume today, with compensation for the downtime. I have tried a withdrawal and will see if that goes through.


October 29th, 2015 at 13:53

It’s been days and no withdrawal.


October 30th, 2015 at 15:21

I was today informed of the problem of sending too much BTC to users, and that’s why the withdrawal system was frozen. My withdrawal would be processed this weekend.


October 31st, 2015 at 13:55

My withdrawal has been processed. Zeushash paid me. Anyone else?

Zeushash ponzi

November 1st, 2015 at 23:31

I too received unapologetic emails in broken English without explanation or resolution. At best, zeushash is a highly unprofessional outfit. Most likely this is a ponzi scheme, but we have to consider the possibility that zeusminer is a personal identity harvester. The grammar, the apparent incompetence (accidentally oversending to a few accounts before closing shop), disclosing all of the emails, this may have been a misdirection for when whales (and low hanging fruit) are hacked or extorted for btc. Step 1 was the ponzi scheme, step 2 could be “mining” that personal data. Either way, in light of the email disclosures, each of us should increase security measures.

Worrying about profitable payouts (or payouts) is probably not the biggest concern when dealing with shady cloud mining companies. Is making a little bit of dust worth getting hacked?

I think it is safe to say that most of us didn’t do any proper due diligence, else we would have never gotten in bed with an organization like this. Does that make us gullible? Perhaps. Does that mean we are fools with our btc? By definition, yes. But that does not make what has happened okay.

I sent support an email asking for a full refund to be sent to this address:

After 8 days passed I asked again, giving them the benefit of the doubt, even in light of all the internet chatter about them not paying. If I do not receive a full refund of my deposit by the end of business Monday, November 2nd, 2015, I will begin work on a website dedicated to helping new users avoid btc scams such as this. The site will focus exclusively on zeushash and zeusminer with the sole purpose of getting them shut down. It will become my personal pet project. This may branch out organically over time, once this fraud is unraveled and resolved. But at first all of the effort will go into zeushash. I can’t promise you your btc back, but I have 16 years of SEO experience and I like our odds of finding their identity & preventing future scams such as this.

If you feel you have been the victim of an internet crime (and aren’t an anarchist), you are welcome to file a complaint here with the US government:


November 5th, 2015 at 19:41

Not only have they stopped paying out on their other site, but they have opened up a new shop to attract new users, now that their old reputation is soiled.

Halleybtc is a scam no different than zeushash was.

DO NOT INVEST with this “company” and please help spread the good word. Let’s make this difficult for them to operate. Let them clone this site & the next, until they leave a trail for authorities to find them.

I am building a new site dedicated exclusively to these low-life scammers. Until then, find me on twitter!


June 1st, 2017 at 21:46

Your acount got moved to a new site you can withdraw your funds left in acount there. It may be to late, but it worked for me a while ago.

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