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Genesis Mining Launches Nationwide Bitcoin Advocacy Campaign

27 Oct


Today, leading cryptocurrency cloud mining provider Genesis Mining launched a nationwide outdoor advertising campaign aimed at bringing awareness to the potential that Bitcoin brings to the world.

Consisting of taxi advertising, billboards, and guerrilla street marketing, the creative ads feature quotes from experts who made egregiously false predictions about disruptive innovations. The quotes were pulled from former leaders of major international corporations about innovations like the telephone, film, and the automobile.


The campaign launched today at 9:00am PST in Southern Florida, San Francisco, Washington DC, Chicago, and Boston. Over the upcoming three months, the campaign will expand to over 40 cities across the United States.

Genesis Mining and Bitcoin Era App co-founder and CEO Marco Streng stated “We believe people get too caught up in what the experts have to say about innovations. Bitcoin is one of the most exciting innovations the world has ever seen and it’s only just beginning. We launched this campaign to remind people that if you look through history, so called “experts” are not always right about the future. The goal is to open people’s minds and let them decide for themselves what to think.”


About Genesis Mining
Genesis Mining was one of the first companies to offer cloud mining services and quickly built a reputation as an industry leading provider throughout the cryptocurrency world. As one of the loudest voices advocating for the Bitcoin community, Genesis Mining also prides itself on its cutting-edge technology, proprietary solutions, and focus on customer support. The mining industry will continue to evolve and Genesis Mining will do the same, maintaining its role as an industry leader and defender.

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5 Responses to Genesis Mining Launches Nationwide Bitcoin Advocacy Campaign

John Xavier

October 27th, 2015 at 21:52

Genesis Mining no longer has a product that can compete with Hashnest S7 so they are using creative advertising to draw in new customers who do not realize they are paying a premium for hashing power that can not be sold.


October 28th, 2015 at 12:56

It is not about mining or advertising a company or service, this is more of an awareness campaign and it is good for Bitcoin.


October 28th, 2015 at 14:35

I like it.
Also John did you take a look at there x11 from GM? its has a faster roi then the S7.

Alfred Jordan

October 29th, 2015 at 17:25

Despite all the publicity good and bad most people do not know how to access Bitcoin. When they do access it they do not know how or where to use it. Most people fear what they do not understand. The campaign should focus on access and use.

Cocoy Felipe

October 31st, 2015 at 07:52

This is a great move of Genesis Mining. It will not just introduce Bitcoin to the world, it will also make new opportunity for people to earn; hence, also make new ponzi/scams

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