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BTC Guild Launching a Scrypt Pool Called ScryptGuild

10 Feb


BTCGuild is one of the top 3 Bitcoin mining pools and they just announced that they’ve launched a scrypt mining pool for alternative crypto currencies. Though the new site called ScryptGuild is still in Alpha stage and being tested, you could request to be one of the people to try it out first if you are interested. BTC Guild has proven as a reliable pool for Bitcoin and offers an easy and user friendly interface, so translating this to a Scrypt mining pool will be a good thing for everyone mining Litecoins and other scrypt crypto currencies. Below is the official announcement from BTC Guild:

After the ASIC revolution in 2013, many users have repurposed their graphics cards for mining on Scrypt-based coins. After significant consideration, BTC Guild has launched a new service, ScryptGuild.

ScryptGuild is currently in alpha testing, and welcoming new users to help test out the continuous features being added. While it is called “Alpha”, the mining side of things is solid, built upon the same backend as BTC Guild, a custom C++ server.

You can find out how to join ScryptGuild by going into our IRC channel, #scryptguild on Freenode IRC network.

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