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The Evolution of the Innosilicon A4 Dominator Scrypt ASIC Miners

23 Jun


We have been keeping track on the development of the new Innosilicon A4 Dominator Scrypt ASIC miners since the initial announcement back in November last year and it is time for another update. It seems that Innosilicon is starting to take pre-orders for the final ASIC miners with shipping expected to start in September and there is already a thread on Bitcointalk about a group pre-order that you might want to check out if interested. In the past we have tested the previous generation of Innosilicon A2 Scrypt ASIC miners in the form of the 86 MHS A2BOX Innosilicon A2 Scrypt ASIC Miner that was consuming about 1000 Watts of power, so we can see what the development is and how good actually the new generation is going to be. A solid first generation Scrypt ASIC miner that was built well and performed really good when it was released with the only drawback being the very high initial price of the device, so we were anticipating another good solid product with much better specs when the first A4 details surfaced.

The initial announcement from last year claimed that the A4 Dominator is so efficient that it should be able to deliver about 850 MHS for Scrypt mining with 1020W of power usage. This was really impressive number and really caught our attention, especially considering that the first generation A2 Terminator miners were able to achieve just about 1/10 of that hashrate with the same power usage. A little bit later, in March this year, there was an update on the power usage and efficiency of the new A4 ASIC chips that has significantly lowered the initial numbers – down to 400 MHS from 850 MHS per kilowatt of power. Although the expected performance was lowered more than half it was still a pretty impressive number, but unfortunately this was not the final change and now we have a new number available. Apparently the final product will only be capable of about 260 MHs per 1 KW of power and be available for about $1800 USD without shipping and with power supply not included in the price. While the final performance per KW of power usage is not that bad either, we are not as excited as we were with the initial announcement or the March update. At 260 MHS per 1000 Watts things aren’t that bad, but with these specs we are not going to be pre-ordering one of these miners for sure. Maybe we are going to try to get one unit to test when they come out if it is not a pain in the ass to secure a single unit order.

If you are interested in the A4 Dominator ASICs group pre-order thread on Bitcointalk…

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4 Responses to The Evolution of the Innosilicon A4 Dominator Scrypt ASIC Miners


June 25th, 2016 at 02:01

What are the best scrypt coins to mine?

waiting for updates

August 9th, 2016 at 05:28

So it’s August and no sign of the rig. No updates on Innosilicon site since July 1st.

Geronimo Chiricahua

August 29th, 2017 at 06:04

Innosilicon is a nightmare to do business with. They have no automated order processing. Customers are expected to provide transaction IDs and hound sales and accounts receivable to get acknowledge of payment. Constantly getting empty promises and no follow through. Web site claims delivery 10 days after payment. WRONG. You will be lucky if you ever receive what you paid for. I would strongly advise anyone considering purchasing anything from this company to think twice. Order placed on 8/2/2017 still can’t get acknowledgement of payment or delivery dates.

Bitmain on the other had has automated payment process, Proactive acknowledgement of payment and automated notification of delivery. PROFESSIONALs.


November 5th, 2017 at 09:12

THE service is aweful when things go wrong

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