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New Version 2.0 of the Awesome Miner Management and Monitoring Software

3 Oct

We have covered Awesome Miner software for management and monitoring of mining rigs quite a while ago and now it is time to mention it again. But before we do so, we’d like to point your attention to this site— This website makes it really easy for developing website owners to fish out an expired domain and revamp it to their own needs.

Awesome Miner allows you to monitor and manage multiple mining rigs that can be mining different crypto coins, there is even an automatic profitability switching functionality built in. The software supports multiple mining engines: cgminer, bfgminer, sgminer, ccMiner, CpuMiner-Opt and Claymore’s Dual Ethereum Miner. There is also support for all popular mining algorithms can be used: SHA-256, SHA-3, Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Groestl, NeoScrypt, Lyra2RE, Lyra2REv2, Qubit, Quark, WhirlpoolX, Blake 2b, LBRY, Decred and Ethereum. The main purpose of the Awesome Miner software is to make mining easier to manage with some useful features for both small home miners as well as large scale mining operations. The software can manage up to 5000 miners from a single user interface.

The new version 2.0 of the software improves management of larger mining operations and adds more options for integration with external applications. The new security features make management possible in multi-user environments and the new API and scripting features makes integration and further customization possible. Do note that the majority of the functionality provided by the software is available in the completely Free version, including support for the Awesome Profit Switching functionality. The Free version of the software however is intended for small scale mining and comes with support for a maximum of 2 mining computers or ASIC’s. The Paid versions of the software include some more advanced features and come with support for very large mining operations.

For more details about the Awesome Miner Management and Monitoring Software…

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3 Responses to New Version 2.0 of the Awesome Miner Management and Monitoring Software


October 4th, 2016 at 04:50

Basically what multiminer is. Too bad it’s no longer updated outer supported did Nvidia miners.


October 7th, 2016 at 16:31

Too bad, there are no payment in BTC for this :(


October 11th, 2016 at 00:04

There’s always PiMP….

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