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New KopiemTu 3.0 Linux Mining Distribution for the Latest Nvidia GPUs

12 Oct


KopiemTu is an Lubuntu Linux-based mining distribution for Nvidia GPUs that has been available for quite some time already. The latest KopiemTu 3.0 that was just released however brings support for the latest generation of Nvidia Pascal-based GPUs – the GTX 1000 series. It comes with CUDA 8.0 support and GeForce GTX 370.28 driver, including support for overclocking or underclocking some GTX 1×00 GPUs. The whole mining distribution should fit on a 16GB USB flash drive making it easier to deploy and use without the need of a dedicated hard drive for the mining rig. There is a simple yet convenient web-based monitoring of your mining rigs activity available, so it is easy to keep track of them without the need to connect to each and every one of them. The distribution relies on ccMiner and the default version is apparently compiled for Pascal GPUs, though you can apparently easily configure it to be used with older Nvidia GPUs.

For more details about the new KopiemTu 3.0 Nvidia Linux mining distribution…

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1 Response to New KopiemTu 3.0 Linux Mining Distribution for the Latest Nvidia GPUs


October 13th, 2016 at 19:38

WOW, i didn’t knew that JK_14 was working on it, I did several MODS por kopiemtu 2.0 including the last mod to support driver 367.44, CUDA 8, genoil’s ethereum mining, latest TPRUVOT and SP’s ccminer. (all working with GTX 1070 GPUs)
I will try this one asap, JK_14 is a genius!

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