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The Latest Zcash (ZEC) Miners to Use for Your Mining Hardware

2 Nov


Here is a quick list of the latest CPU and GPU miners available for mining the Zcash (ZEC) that uses the Equihash algorithm used by the coin. Since most pools and miners are based on Stratum mining support you should be able to use them on almost all mining pools with support for ZEC. What you should be looking for is what works best on your hardware in terms of stability and what provides you with the optimal hashrate in order for you to maximize your profit. CPU mining is still viable as GPU miners are yet to be further optimized to be able to provide significantly higher hashrates, though you should know that the days of the CPU mining of ZEC are probably numbered.

Because of the slow start mining that Zcash has implemented the block reward is still growing, so even with price going down and the total network hashrate going up the overall profit for mining and selling Zcash remains pretty stable and most importantly pretty high compared to other crypto coins at the moment. Because of that it is a wise decision to mine and sell Zcash at the moment until the end of the slow start of mining when the block reward will stabilize at the maximum level of 12.5 ZEC and that should provide a more stable price per coin than at the moment. Mining ZEC coins now and keeping the coins may result in them loosing significant value at least in short term, though in long term it might still be a viable option, so consider what to do carefully.

Best CPU miners for Zcash:
NiceHash’s nheqminer v0.3a (also supports CUDA and OpenCL)*

Best AMD OpenCL miners for Zcash:
ZECMiner v0.6 by Genoil

Best Nvidia CUDA miners for Zcash:
NiceHash’s nheqminer v0.3a (also supports CPU and OpenCL)*

* The nheqminer is available with hardcoded pools from nicehash, suprnova and other mining pools supporting Zcash, so make sure you download the correct version for the pool you are going to be mining at.

Genoil’s latest ZECMiner is pretty much the fastest public OpenCL miner (Windows binaries only) for Zcash at the moment, though there are some stability issues with cards dropping to 0 Sol/s and the miner crashing. The situation improves with each new version, but the miner is still not that good stability wise. The latest Nheqminer supports OpenCL mining, but is slower than ZECMiner, even though stability wise it is better… it is much better for CPU and CUDA mining though. Hopefully soon there will be other faster GPU miners that will offer more stability and features along the improved mining speeds, but for now you will need to do with what is currently available.

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24 Responses to The Latest Zcash (ZEC) Miners to Use for Your Mining Hardware


November 3rd, 2016 at 00:33

Cpuminer-opt can’t mine zcash, lol


November 3rd, 2016 at 01:47

Correct, Cpuminer-opt can mine zcoin, not zcash. From the OP:

New in V3.4.8

– added zcoin support, optimized for AVX2 but no increase in performance
– fixed API display of diff for cryptonight
– –show-diff is now the default, use “–hide-diff” to disable
– cleaned up some cpuminer-multi artifacts


November 3rd, 2016 at 10:03

Could you build a windows version of Z-miner from, please. It does 50+ Sol/s per gtx 1070.


November 3rd, 2016 at 11:44

Dr_Victor, it seems that the code for this mine has been removed from the GitHub repository…


November 3rd, 2016 at 12:17

I just started mining with nicehash, choosing to be paid in bitcoin.

Is there a place I can check how much I have earned before the payout?

Somewhere I can enter my address to see the earnings? I can’t find it anywhere


November 3rd, 2016 at 13:56


You need to login to your miner (the bitcoin address you used to log in) and it’ll show on the mining page on the right side. This can only be seen on the desktop version of the site, though.


November 3rd, 2016 at 14:41

Hi admin, I’ve tested this miner on two different nVidia GPU’s, in two different computers, and I get 0 Sol/s on both of them from the GPU’s. The CPU miner does okay though. Have you tested this on an nVidia GPU yet? It doesn’t work for me.


November 3rd, 2016 at 15:09

is not tru that genoil miner is teh fastest opensource… there is as well zog miner.. very stable and is bundled with ethos as well… no crashes at all .. if you dont use ethos you can zownload zogminer from github aswell

it uses fastest silentarmy kernel … 40 – 53 hashes /s on my sapphire rx 470 bios modded …


November 3rd, 2016 at 15:20


Would you please provide the right link?

Its obviously not because that one requires an email login and password

And I can’t find anything relevant in either



November 3rd, 2016 at 15:57

You can check your stats with BTC adress at this link:


November 3rd, 2016 at 17:35

Go here:

The link is the image of a bar chart next to the 24hr payouts column on the nicehash home page


November 3rd, 2016 at 21:00

NiceHash has just released nheqminer v0.3b with support for older Nvidia cards:


November 3rd, 2016 at 21:42

bspus I´m mining to nicehash selling my CPU power, I just discovered that the best way is to download the oficial miner and then run it, it will run the benchmark and you can start mining zcash with it there is a option to see how is your progress… go to nicehash site, then getting started, download the very left side software, install, run and you´l see for yourself. Or you go to the nicehash, go to the miner/seller drop down then my miner option then input the btc address you´re using and voila you will get a very nice web interface with your current results.


November 3rd, 2016 at 21:57

Thank you ferli. Actually the miner/seller page is what Pycckue probably meant by login as it shows the info I asked for. But I’ll try the desktop software anyway


November 4th, 2016 at 01:20

You’re looking for this:

Make sure to supply your btc address where I indicated.


November 4th, 2016 at 09:48

New release with the faster simentarmy OpenCL kernel –


November 4th, 2016 at 14:48


I tried 0.3a for older nVidia cards, however I still get 2744.17 I/s, 0 Sols/s.
I’m using an nVidia 660Ti

Do you have any suggestions? this is my command line:
nheqminer -l -u MYBITCOINADDRESS.worker1 -t 6 -cd 0 -cb 32 -ct 128 -cv 1


November 4th, 2016 at 15:13

Oops, I meant I tried 0.3b (the one for older nVidia cards) not 0.3a as I mentioned previously.


November 26th, 2016 at 21:20

Fastest zcash miner is Claymore’s zcash miner for amd polaris graphic cards!!!!!!

You should update the site lol


February 2nd, 2017 at 02:14

No man , really , these guys dont explain properly how to use the utility and really its ridiculous even the level of logging if i set it -d 0 , IT STILL DOES NOT tell me if i am not using a valid user name or password.
I really dont understand how people manage with this crap. half these utitlies arent written proper meaning display proper information , warnings , errors or assist the user or at least do what it is supposed to do, like FAIL and quit saying why .

I have gone to the nicehash site to create an account for the love of me i dont know how the hell to se up a pool there or even get a worker, its really another joke.

I wanted to get this done so that i can plug the details in to the “Equihash CPU&GPU Miner for NiceHash v0.5c” command but it is such a pain.

how on earth is it actually possible that this is working?

==================== ====================
Equihash CPU&GPU Miner for NiceHash v0.5c
Thanks to Zcash developers for providing base of the code.
Special thanks to tromp, xenoncat and djeZo for providing
optimized CPU and CUDA equihash solvers.
==================== ====================

Setting log level to 0
[02:04:14][0x000016d0] Using SSE2: YES
[02:04:14][0x000016d0] Using AVX: YES
[02:04:14][0x000016d0] Using AVX2: NO
[02:04:14][0x00000c48] stratum | Starting miner
[02:04:14][0x00000c48] stratum | Connecting to stratum server
[02:04:14][0x00000c48] stratum | Connected!
[02:04:14][0x00000c48] stratum | Sending: {“id”:1,”method”:”mining.subscribe”,”params”:[“nheqminer/0.5c”, null,””,”3357″]}

[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Received: {“id”:1,”error”:null,”result”:[null,”016f654eaff9″]}
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Subscribed to stratum server
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] miner | Extranonce is 016f654eaff9
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Sending: {“id”:2,”method”:”mining.authorize”,”params”:[“34HKWdzLxWBduUfJE9JxaFhoXnfC6gmePG”,”x”]}

[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Received: {“id”:2,”result”:true,”error”:null}
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Authorized worker 34HKWdzLxWBduUfJE9JxaFhoXnfC6gmePG
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Sending: {“id”:3,”method”:”mining.extranonce.subscribe”,”params”:[]}

[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Received: {“id”:null,”method”:”mining.set_target”,”params”:[“000f0f0f0f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000”]}
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Target set to 000f0f0f0f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Received: {“params”:[“000000754c2e90cf”,”04000000″,”22ec9570f74c4df1a2a521bbb9ad45f9583aa43eb056c6692238360000000000″,”fe1aa0556209ff78554
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Received new job #000000754c2e90cf
[02:04:15][0x00000c48] stratum | Received: {“id”:3,”result”:true,”error”:null}
[02:04:29][0x000016d0] Speed [15 sec]: 0 I/s, 0 Sols/s
[02:04:37][0x00000c48] stratum | Received: {“params”:[“000000754c2ea849″,”04000000″,”ac8167e82419720dc1a0a9bc4ab9cbc72f22e6cb9fc83b3ab48f252000000000″,”3bbbcc5401da304c7cc
[02:04:37][0x00000c48] stratum | Received new job #000000754c2ea849

I dont understand how u are authenticating to the server and when u need to , i dont understand the basics here of how this mining works.

Please help me somebody .

I have managed to mine Pascal coins using local proxy and pascal wallet, whether it is doing anything , i really hope so, but i dont see errors.
I have managed to mine litecoin using command line for Nvidia GPU.

I surely should be able to get the rest right but i need somebody to explain this to me , and these websites and their examples and some of the command line utilities are really annoying to work with, MAYBE only because i dont understand it. Forgive me being rude but i not been making progress because of miss-leading articles or unhelpful cli’s


February 2nd, 2017 at 02:19

To add when i try to add a pool and or worker on the nicehash site it wants me to enter in the details of a server and i mean i dont get that.
why doesnt it just provide me with me and then allow me to type my worker and then press add and then its done, why the bloody pain.
anyways, i then went ahead and entered in a (what i thought was a valid pool server as per a website i used which was pertaining to zhash or equihas , and then it told me it is invalid) i dont understand why it just doesnt give a list of servers, which i did actually see on another page there but the thing is it wants me to set up the worker and i need to do all that pain.
I am taking steps backwards here, i dont know what i am doing.


February 2nd, 2017 at 10:38

If you are having trouble with the command line miner, you can try the NiceHash Miner, it comes with a GUI and runs the command line miners at the backend, it should be easier.


August 22nd, 2017 at 01:29

Hello, guys, I have made a real-time pool monitoring.
I have visited a lot of websites to find all zcash mining pools. I have found 12 only for zcash.
Ping requests are from your location) The less ping it better)

Ps. Feel free to add new pools via “add” form
Thank you.


March 13th, 2018 at 17:06

I recommend minig altcoins, for example FOLM, Ferrum, Raven and other. You got more profit than ZCash 100% percent.

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