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Genesis Mining Offering Litecoin Cloud Mining Again

15 Jan

Litecoin (LTC) is one of the oldest altcoins and it is still alive, although soon after the first wave of Scrypt ASIC miners appeared the interest and numbers of users mining the crypto has started diminising. You can say that LTC was in a bit of a slumber pretty much everywhere besides China at least until a few months ago when Innosilicon has finally released their A4 Dominator Scrypt ASIC miners. So the last few months things have started to move a bit once more and the development of Litecoin has also been a bit more active with SegWit support getting ready to be implemented as well.

The early Innosilicon A4 Dominator Scrypt ASIC miners apparently had some issues according to users that got the devices and they are still being offered, though with the upcoming Chinese new year there could be some delays if you purchase now. The A4 Dominator is supposedly offering 280 MHS hashrate with 1000W power usage and is available for a price of $1800 USD. You will need to get a power supply for the device separately as it is not included in the purchase price of the miner.

Interestingly enough with the increase of the interest in Litecoin (LTC) you can now again purchase Scrypt cloud mining hashrate for mining Litecoin from Genesis Mining. The cloud mining company has been offering Scrypt cloud mining contracts before, but stopped doing so quite some time ago and it now brings back the contracts again. One can easily assume that their new offers are most likely based on A4 Dominators and the pricing is pretty good as an alternative to purchasing the hardware yourself.

You can get 2 MHS Scrypt cloud mining hashrate for $28 USD, 50 MHS for $650 USD of 200 MHS for $2400 USD as a preset packages or any custom hashrate in between. The Scrypt cloud mining contracts are with a duration of 2 years and there is no maintenance fee, everything is included in the price you pay for the hashrate. You can also use our special discount code CryptoMiningBlog5 to get some extra discount and get even better price should you decide to purchase a Scrypt cloud mining contract.

For more information about the Scrypt cloud mining offers available from Genesis Mining…

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8 Responses to Genesis Mining Offering Litecoin Cloud Mining Again


January 17th, 2017 at 09:06

Pure scamming people you never get any roi
better build your own rig hahaha

Truth Teller

January 18th, 2017 at 04:36

I spent over $2,000.00 with Genesis. They are a complete waste of money. No accountability at all. You cannot see the shares you mine or even pick the pool you mine on. You get paid what they feel like paying you. Shame on this site for even advertising for them. SCAM


January 18th, 2017 at 21:36

maybe i can get back my scrypt they turn off some years ago? after owning them a hole month. maybe they could paste some payouts to show what you really earn..


January 19th, 2017 at 09:11

i was stupid and bought a genesis-mining account a while ago cause i wanted to mine but i didn’t have any hardware knowledge to do it myself. but it was such a scam that i called the credit card and had it cancelled due to them breaking their contract within 60 days (they kept paying lower and lower amounts paid out each day in an arbitrary way totally unrelated to the reality of the difficulty-factor. it was ridiculous. you could never make your money back. you are just basically paying them money to give you some of it back over a long period). i signed up with these losers with a private email address that i only ever used with them. since then, every day i get a new suspicious email about ‘free bitcoins’ to go to a website that has malware/exe files, which i am certain are only to steal my bitcoins. only genesis-mining had this email address, and right after i cancelled with my card, i suddenly get bitcoin trojan spam to my email? is this the shadiest company in the world?


January 19th, 2017 at 14:55

People complaining probably didn’t read carefully the contract or had insanely high expectations. There is a risk involved no doubt, but Genesis is the only company that has fulfilled my expectations. Don’t expect to get rich soon but a daily income of btc, ethereum, dash, zcash, monero…. as promised.


January 20th, 2017 at 11:20

Complete scam company – avoid


January 22nd, 2017 at 01:39

send me 1000 dollars for a ‘contract’ and every day i’ll give you 35 cents back. well, next week that 35 cents that i send will be 33 cents a day – READ THE CONTRACT! then it’ll be 29 cents a day NOT MY FAULT YOU DIDNT READ THE CONTRACT. before you know it, i’m sending lower and lower amounts per day DID YOU READ THE CONTRACT? you’ll never get your money back and you’ll never break even. you just gave free money to a guy so that he could give you some of it back.

it’s a relatively simple scam

Bruno Sallmutter

February 22nd, 2017 at 13:59

Extreme caution. I have not even seen a fraction of my money. Payments were simply discontinued after a while. Unprofitable, was the answer.
Is clear – if you put everything in your own pocket is more profitable. I guess big cheating!

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