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Do You Notice That it is All About ICOs Lately

18 Sep

The craze for ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) seems to be going on and instead of things starting to calm down things are actually getting more and more intense, regardless of the news that some countries may be banning them or regulating them. Nowadays all we pretty much see in our sidebar with ads, provided mostly by Google, is pretty much all about ICOs and nothing more. We are also being contacted on a daily basis by a lot of people that are willing to advertise their upcoming or already running ICO or just do a coverage. We are not big fans of Initial Coin Offerings ourselves and writing about them or even directly advertising kind of means that we either approve or endorse them or at least this is what most people will think even if that is not our intention. We have been covering some ICOs in the past, just a few actually, as giving investment advice for ICOs especially has never been the idea or goal of this website. If we see a good idea and want to help promote the project and actually use the service or product that will or is being made directly as a result of an ICO we are going to share that information anyway. In such cases we are even investing something in that particular ICO ourselves, this is how much we believe in the idea. Even then however you should not threat that as an investment advice, you should still do your own research as we may not always be right on the spot…

With all of the above said our team does not track any or all ICOs that are currently appearing, starting or ending, they are quite a lot actually and if you do not specialize on that topic alone it will be hard to cover it all. We are not investors or traders and we do not give investment or trading advice, even if we do both of these as well from time to time. We are not against ICOs as a concept, in fact we have recently taken a part of such a project ourselves – Cryptum, a project that is developing a crypto mining board game among other things, though our interest was caught by that particular side of the project. It is not an ICO that promises great things such as decentralizing the board game business or putting board games on a blockchain, it has much more reasonable goals and a business plan that actually seems quite reasonable. Taking a part in that particular project has allowed us to get a pretty good insight on how things work inside an ICO and how many people try to make profit from such projects, not caring at all about the actual product or service (the ugly side of the business).

You are still welcome to contact us if you are running an ICO, planning to start one, or have even finished such a project. We would gladly check it out if we find it interesting and may even do a coverage here, but don’t just say you want to promote an ICO and you are contacting us for advertisement rates. If you are not able to explain what your project is about in just a few sentences in an understandable way, then don’t even bother writing to us. If you cannot do at least that, then maybe you should not be running an ICO at all… just repeating a couple of keywords such as decentralizing and putting whatever it is on the blockchain all the time probably would work for some people, but not for us. If you cannot explain your idea quickly and easily, then don’t even bother trying to!

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2 Responses to Do You Notice That it is All About ICOs Lately

David Santamaria

September 19th, 2017 at 14:57

It is a republic of gamers, and iCO’s are made for them.


September 24th, 2017 at 04:25

ICOs are just the new malware wallets or premined scames before them.

They attract new people by riding the success of Bitcoin, sort of promising a ticket in the BTC gold rush while going against everything crypto stands for as they’re centralized (single website to sell the freely premined coins) and rely on trust. And once people are scammed, they will hate cryptos so they’re quite detrimental to the scene.

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