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Cast XMR – Highspeed CryptoNight Miner for Radeon RX Vega GPUs

13 Oct

There is a new Monero (XMR) CryptoNight miner out for AMD Radeon Rx Vega GPUs called Cast XMR that claims to be capable of reaching hashrates of more than 2050 CryptoNight H/s on an single RX Vega 56 or Vega 64 GPU (with a high power consumption). The miner is designed to support CryptoNight/CryptoNote based currencies such as Monereo (XMR), Bytecoin (BCN), DigitalNote (XDN) and Intense (ITNS) to be used with RX Vega GPUs and. There is a 1.5% dev fee included and currently is is available only for Windows OS (binary), no source code due to the developer fee, though apparently a Linux version is also coming soon.

According to the author of the miner is should be capable of providing you with about 1900 H/s at about 200W or over 2000 H/s at 250W of power usage, so if power and cooling is not an issue you might try to get the most out of your RX Vega GPU with this miner. To get the best performance you will need to use the AMD Blochchain Compute Driver (version is 17.30.1029) as well as to toggle the HBCC Memory Segment. While AMD’s new Radeon RX Vega GPUs are a bit buggy as far as mining goes and cause some headaches they are still doing great in terms of CryptoNight mining performance (when they work) and are also interesting option for Ethash dual mining as well, if you manage to keep them cool. Squeezing the best performance out of the RX Vega GPUs requires a lot of power usage and thus a lot of heat being generated, also getting more than 4 of these cards in a single mining rig is still a problem.

For more details abotu the Cast XMR CryptoNight miner for AMD Radeon RX Vega GPUs…

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6 Responses to Cast XMR – Highspeed CryptoNight Miner for Radeon RX Vega GPUs


October 14th, 2017 at 06:29

Getting about 1900H with XMR-Stak-AMD miner @ 200w at the wall, 950MHz HBM -5-10% power (still experimenting with clock settings, Vega is finicky). So this seems just the same, perhaps it is marginally better.


October 19th, 2017 at 12:53

In the last 12 hours, getting 2050H average, with the core at -30% = 1140mhz, mem 1100, power limit +50%. The core is at 120W on HWinfo. The card is a VEGA 64 on a custom closed loop water running at 45C.


November 22nd, 2017 at 17:16

подскажите кто знает как в батнике прописать пароль чтоб зайки в настройки на и выставить сумму вывода, так как по умолчанию стоит 1 XMR, это очень долго. А без пароля он не изменяется пишет неправильные пароль(но это понятно ведь пароль в батнике не прописан) За ранее спасибо.!


January 16th, 2018 at 17:22


What do you mean by “Ethash dual mining as well”?

Are you suggesting someone could mine both Cryptonight AND Ether on the same GPU at the same time?

“if you manage to keep them cool”, yeah I get that. But please tell us more.


February 22nd, 2018 at 22:28

Dear fellow miners,

As many of you likely are, I became frustrated with mining software which loses performance after several hours of execution.
During the course of many sleepless nights, i’ve developed a handy script in Windows Powershell which monitors CAST XMR_VEGA in real time and takes appropriate action when it under performs according to user defined criteria.

In a nutshell, the script does the following:

1. Monitors CAST XMR VEGA in real time based on log output
2. If the hash rate drops below [user defined parameter] or no new shares are found within [use defined parameter] seconds:
2.1 Finds and kills the CAST XMR VEGA process
2.2 Relaunches CAST XMR VEGA
2.3 Closes and then relaunches [monitoring script]
3. All log output is saved to a file for later viewing

Should you be keen to acquire a copy of my script to use and modify as it pleases you, kindly send me a private message to get in touch.
I humbly request a donation of $50 per rig / computer, payable in ETN as compensation for my late nights. As an added incentive, I am wiling to offer advice and technical support (within reason) to get you up and running.

Kindly note that i am not a professional software developer and there are many of you who could likely do a bang up job, but oh golly … the darn script works well !

See screenshot here:

My post on BitcoinTalk:


June 30th, 2019 at 05:26

I followed these suggestions but I’m only getting ~1500H. Using XMR-Stak latest version and RX Vega 56.
I tried Cast XMR but the pool is rejecting all of its shares.

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