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Supminer ccMiner fork for RavenCoin (RVN) X16r Mining

27 Mar

Another open-source fork of ccMiner called supminer (source) is now available, an optimized version from the operator of the Suprnova mining pools that promises up to 10% better performance than the recently released nevermore ccminer fork. The supminer ccMiner fork comes with with no developer fee, but you can show your support by mining Ravencoin (RVN) on Suprnova’s RVNCoin Pool. There is an official 32-bit Windows binary release available compiled with CUDA 9.1, so make sure you have up to date video drivers on your mining rigs. The code is compatible with Linux as well, though you will need to compile it yourself (make sure you have CUDA 9.1 installed to compile from source).

In theory the supminer should be faster than the other available ccminer forks with X16r support, but you should test and compare the different releases and see what works and performs best on your hardware. Feel free to report hashrates and stability on your mining rigs and how supminer compares to the nevermore and enemy miners. When comparing hashrates make sure you compare on the same algorithm, because hashrate varies depending on the currently switched to algorithm. Do note that the performance optimizations should not work only on the X16r algorithm, but should also help improve performance on other chained algorithms supported by ccminer.

To download and try the 32-bit Windows binary of the supminer X16r Nvidia miner…

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7 Responses to Supminer ccMiner fork for RavenCoin (RVN) X16r Mining

Nate Morgulan

March 28th, 2018 at 05:02

What is the best rig to run this on


March 28th, 2018 at 06:20

For me on my 1080Ti this one is way faster then nevermore miner, reached up to 25 MH/s while top score with nevermore was around 18 MH/s.
Comparing is hard due to algo switching, but been staring at the output for some time now. Sure no real benchmark, but rather my user experiance I wanted to share.


March 28th, 2018 at 15:23

Which driver is needed for CUDA 9.1 ?


March 28th, 2018 at 15:25

Neverminer works fine here (CUDA 9.0), is there anything (runtime file) i can put in miner dir to avoid installing new cuda version?


March 28th, 2018 at 15:30

R390 or newer driver should be fine for CUDA 9.1 support, older drivers (not too old) should work with CUDA 9.0.


March 28th, 2018 at 16:17

is there any Suprminer version compiled for CUDA 9.0 ?


March 28th, 2018 at 22:55

api for the miner do not work, so don’t expect remote monitoring to work.

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