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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

We have already covered how to mine PEG on the ORAX Pool, but it is not the only pool available for PegNet (PEG) mining. Prosper Pool is the other public PegNet mining pool that you can point your free CPU resources to get some PEG, it is smaller than ORAX and you need to ask for an invitation code on their Discord first in order to finish your registration. The Prosper Pool has a very simple text-based back-end with some basic functionality, and although all of the important info is there, unfortunately there are some features missing like no option to change your payment address for instance or set a minimum payment threshold. Another important thing to note with this pool is that the payments are on once a week, so maybe more suitable for people with less computing power.

You need to start by downloading the prosper-miner pool client for Windows (64-bit only) that we are going to be using here, there are also versions for Darwin, FreeBSD and Linux as well. The first time you run the miner you will complete the registration on the pool and you need to provide the invite code you need to request first and also initial generation of 1GB map of the LXR hash (PegNet hashing function) will happen. Below is an example of the command line for the first run, the miner will ask for a password, just make sure you run the prosper-miner executable from command line console, do not try to run the executable file directly by double clicking it under Windows:


The next time and if/when you run the miner (including on different system) you don’t need to provide the password or the invite code anymore, you will have a registration on the pool, so you only need the username – the email address you have used for the registration:


The MINER_ID is where you type different identificators for different mining rigs, so that you will know which one is active and which one isn’t mining, though apparently that functionality is still not fully functional on the backend.

The easiest way to obtain a wallet address is to use one of the exchanges that support PEG trading – Citex, VineX or Qtrade which should be fine as long as you will be mining and trading only, for holding PEG tokens it would be better if you go for local wallet.

To learn more about the PegNet project and the PEG tokens it uses and you can mine…

The latest update of the AMD OpenCL GPU miner lolMiner 0.9.2 brings some extra performance boost for the GRIN-AT31 (Cuckatoo 31 algorithm) on 8GB and 16GB video cards of up to +5% on AMD Polaris and AMD Vega GPUs and up to +10 on AMD Navi GPUs. The latest version also adds experimental support for GRIN-AT31 and Polaris, Vega and VII using AMD ROCm drivers under Linux. The lolMiner 0.9.2 has added range checks to GRIN-AT31 code for improved stability as well as added function to call external watchdog scripts in case a GPU fails during mining (if the miner detects no action of a GPU for at least a minute it will call the included reboot scripts).

Grin C31 lolMiner 0.9.2 expected hashrates:
– AMD Radeon VII (stock): 1.79 G/s
– AMD Radeon VII (1340/1000/0.825v, 130W): 1.37 G/s
– AMD Vega FE (stock): ~1.3 G/s
– AMD Vega 56 (1220/900/0.825v, 130W): 1.0 G/s
– AMD RX 5700 (Red Dragon, stock): 0.91 G/s
– AMD RX 580 8GB: 0.56 G/s

We remind you that lolMiner is a closed source OpenCL GPU miner available for Windows and Linux as pre-compiled binaries only and that there is a 1% developer fee for using the software for all supported algorithms. The miner should work on Nvidia GPUs with OpenCL, however stability and performance could be far from optimal, so it is best for use with AMD GPUs. For Nvidia GPU miner with support for Cuckatoo 31 you can check out the latest GMiner, NMBiner or some of the other option like BMiner etc.

To download and try the latest lolMiner 0.9.2 OpenCL miner for Windows or Linux…

The latest SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner version 0.1.8 brings support for a number of additional new algorithms (yespower variants) as well as pool mining for the Kadena algorithm (check the icemining pool) along ith some fixes. We have noticed that on Intel CPUs RandomX mining with all available threads does seem to make the system a bit unresponsive and lagging, something that was not the case with the previous version and that can cause some issues when trying to remote control the mining system for instance. Other than that the addition of new algorithms is always welcome, the full changelog of the latest release is available below.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.1.8 beta changelog:
– Added Kadena algorithm (pool mining only)
– Added yespoweric algorithm (IsotopeC)
– Added yespoweriots algorithm (IOTScoin)
– Added yespower2b AVX support
– Fixed nicehash protocol compatibility with rpc2
– Miner now won’t quit if not enough free RAM for an algorithm, it will just warn the user

To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.1.8 Beta…
