
There haven’t been a lot of good news for Litecoin (LTC) lately with ASIC manufacturers cancelling the development of new mining hardware and the exchange rate going down, hitting even below $2 USD briefly today. But LTC is still one of the most popular alternative crypto coins and will most likely continue to be, even though some people think it is doomed. The situation with Bitcoin is not that great lately either, especially with the exchange rate also down like is the case with Litecoin, but we expect things to slowly start recovering in 2015. There is a change for Litecoin that is going to come in a few days – permanent lock of the v2 block type at block 710000 – something that should happen around 9th of January and you need to make sure that you have the latest wallet installed. The Litecoin v0.8.7.4-beta has been available for a few months, but still a lot of people might not have updated to that version and you need to make sure you are using it to avoid having issues with the LTC in a few days. Don’t wait for the last day if you still haven’t updated, although it is more important that pool operators update their wallets if they have not done so yet. Later this year we are also going to see the first blow reward halving for Litecoin that is expected to happen at block 840000 that should be reached at around August-September time.

To download the latest Litecoin wallet v0.8.7.4-beta software for your OS…


It seems that the Hashie cloud mining service is now back online and fully functioning, however the way they handled the recent problems they’ve had (apparently getting hacked and Bitcoins stolen) is far from good. The service is back online, but any Bitcoins you might have had in your wallet are no longer available and the service apparently is now offering new cheaper miners called Generation 2. It will however be very had to earn back the trust of the over 40 thousand users that the service claims to have, especially of the ones that did not have purchased AMHash cloud mining hashrate. Owners of AMHash cloud miners at Hashie can still move them to the AMHash platform, if they have not done so already. What the service has apparently done for people that have had Generation 1 miners as well as any Bitcoins in their wallets was to distribute them some Frostcoins that should result in bringing some dividends to users based on Generation 2 miner sales. We have already moved our AMHash hashrate to the AMHash platform, however our account did not get any Frostcoins for the Bitcoins we had in the wallet that are now gone. So we would currently recommend to avoid that service if you are interested in investing in cloud mining.

For more information about the Hashie Bitcoin cloud mining service…


The Dutch company Mining ASICS Technologies (MAT) is now insolvent (bankrupt) according to information we got from our colleagues at Bitcoin Update. We have covered Mining ASICS Technologies multiple times so far and lately they did have some trouble as their main focus was Scrypt ASIC miners which they were late to deliver and in fact it seems that just very few customers got their mining hardware from MAT. If you have not received what you have paid for you can contact the bankruptcy trustee appointed to deal with the company for additional information on how you should proceed. The bankruptcy trustee contact information provided by is quoted below. The official website of the company is not longer available or at least at the moment we are getting an error message when we try to open it.

You can contact curator (trustee)
Curator Mr. C.F.M.P. Spreksel, Wilhelminasingel 63, 6221 BG Maastricht.
Tel: 043-3432859
