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Posts Tagged ‘AlcheMiner ASIC

Back in April we have mentioned the company AlcheMiner along others that were offering pre-orders for Scrypt ASIC miners. We have warned our readers to be careful with what the company offered back then, though it seems that they have started shipping Scrypt ASIC miners this month, or at least we have a first user review showing one of their products. In September AlcheMiner has released an official video (embedded above) demonstrating one of their products in action, though they have not updated their news section since then with information that they are actually shipping to customers already. So we would still recommend caution since there is still not much information about the company and their products available besides the first unboxing and review linked below.

To read the first user made AlcheMiner 96 MHS Alchemist Scrypt Miner Unboxing and Review…
