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Posts Tagged ‘Bit Mining not working


The Bit Mining service for Litecoin and Bitcoin cloud mining is kind of down yet again, not long since they had another serious issue. Last week the service was apparently been hacked, but it was brought back online and this week the people behind it were trying to fix things and get everything back to normal and about a week now and it still is not fully back to normal. And while they almost did it, now the website is not opening again, giving an error about their SSL certificate not being valid. And this has been going on for more than a day now, though we have notified the support as probably other users did so already and they are apparently looking into the problem. If you disable the certificate validity check in the browser you can apparently login on the website, however this does pose a risk for your security and you should enable the validity check for SSL certificates after that.

The Bit Mining service has been available for a while now, but apparently things are getting out of their control. We just recently started testing the service and more specifically the LTC cloud mining that has been added not so long ago, but our experience so far with the service is more than unsatisfactory. Lots of downtime, problems and things that need more polishing, and along all that the the price drop of the hashrate, making it really not worth to invest into more hashrate. In fact we do plan to sell our 100 KHS of LTC cloud mining hashrate and stop using it and we would recommend you do the same thing if you have hasrate there, and when everything is back to normal we may consider trying the service again. Investing in cloud mining hashrate there for the moment is also not recommended, not until the issues they are having are completely resolved. Issues like that are really killing the users trust in services offering cloud mining hashrate as an alternative to using hardware miners, we’ll keep you updated on how things progress.


The Bit Mining cloud mining service for LTC and BTC is still not back to its normal and fully functional state, though things are slowly getting back online, but it could take some more time. Meanwhile there is an official statement from the guys behind the cloud mining services that reveals some more details on what has actually happened in the last few days and why is the service still not fully operational and back online…

Hello Bit-Miners,

We apologize for the unintended interruption in service; let us bring you up to
speed on the current situation over at Bit-Mining

Over the last few weeks, we have suffered a series of attacks against our
pools by a would-be hacker. This will explain the frequent and clustered pool
down times we have been experiencing; we have been doing our best to guard
ourselves against these DDOS attacks.

In the past few days however, the actions of our assailant have escalated, with
ransom demands and threats that have ultimately culminated in an intrusion
attempt on our server. Thanks to the valiant efforts of our TECHs, and security
considerations already in place, we were able to fend of this attack with
minimal damage. Our wallets were completely unaffected by the attack;
however, we have experienced corruption of our trading database and are
working to restore it to its pre-intrusion state. Let me clarify; NO USER FUNDS
(that represents
your Purchased GHs/KHs) IS ALSO SAFE. Because of the corruption of the
trading database, we are suspending the Trading feature until we can get
everything sorted out with certainty.

If you had a BTC/LTC balance before we experienced down time; it should be
accurately reflected in your account balance currently and available for
withdrawal. We are expediting withdrawals for the time being to alleviate user
concerns. However, due to the way the database has been reconstructed,
there may be a few users with incorrect monetary balances; simply contact us
at so that we can take an individual consideration of
your account and make it whole. This is also true for GHs/KHs balances, most
should be correct but there may be a few users with unique circumstances.
Mining power that is in pending orders will also be restored once we resume
trading. To all users having issues with referral counts, this is to be expected
and will be resolved soon. If you have an issue after that just contact us and
we will sort it out.

If you cannot regain access to your account, first attempt to reset your

All withdrawals should have been processed before we went offline; and we
also have a record of all requested and satisfied withdrawals; if you are
currently awaiting one check to make sure you haven’t received it. If you still
haven’t received one that you know you requested, send an email to with subject STUCK WITHDRAWAL, we will patch you

Also, to ease concerns about mining payouts, no user has been paid out since 
3/07/14 (as we have been down since then), but everyone will be reimbursed
for Purchased GHs/KHs payouts whether or not they were in orders at the
time; we will not penalize the user for the inability to gain account access
during our downtime.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this outage may have caused our
users.  We give our users our assurance that we will investigate each and
every user issue until eventual resolution; but we ask  that users hold non-
account access and withdrawal related issues until after we resume trading.
The maturity of our users about this matter is greatly appreciated during this
difficult time. We still remain committed to providing a superior cloud mining
experience with the most competitive pricing we can provide. We hope that
users observe our handling of this situation as an indication of our dedication
to this project.

As soon as I get a more precise ETA on trading being re-enabled from our
TECH department; I will update everyone via email and forum post. Chat
restrictions are lifted in order to facilitate user issue resolution, and I will be
available in site chat to answer any individual user questions.

If you have any additional concerns or questions please don't hesitate to
contact us. I apologize again for the hassle this has caused everyone.

BMC Support

For more information about the Bit Mining BTC/LTC cloud mining service…
