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Posts Tagged ‘Bitcoin price

According to the data from the website CoinMarketCap that tracks all of the more serious crypto currencies the total market capitalization has just passed the $100 Billion USD mark. Furthermore in less than three months it has risen multiple times from just about $25 Billion to today’s peak of a little over $101 Billion USD with Bitcoin surging shortly to a little over $2900 USD, before getting back down to the $2700 USD range. Many are wondering already when the bubble will burst or if it will at all, as other people are considering Bitcoin and some of the altcoins still being greatly undervalued. For now the craze continues, even with the shortages of GPUs and other mining hardware on the market.

It is interesting to note that Bitcoin (BTC) is responsible for just about the half of the total market cap of crypto currencies, if we take BTC from the equation and look only at all altcoins the number falls down to abut $53 Billion. In the last three months Bitcoin has significantly reduced its dominance in the market cap from over 80% to less than 50% currently. The most significant altcoins gaining in the total market cap at the expense of BTC are Ethereum and Ripple. Although we’ve seen some positive movement with Litecoin, Dash, Monero and some others as well, they are still much smaller compared to the market cap of the top three crypto coins in terms of market cap.

The last couple of days were very good not only for the many altcoins that are rising in value, but also for Bitcoin as the crypto currency has pushed past the $1500 USD price point and seems to by trying to reach new heights every day. Not that we are complaining, however there are concerns regarding this serious peak as if it is a bubble getting ready to burst. The enthusiasm regarding crypto currencies such as Ethereum, ZCash and Litecoin as well as many other altcoins is nice and all, but we are seeing some overblown in terms of proportions ICO sales and that is also a reason for some concerns. On the positive side, if this trend continues we might be able to see new highs for BTC and other coins earlier than some optimistic predictions about prices…


The Bitcoin exchange rate is on the bull run at the moment reaching new high moving past the $850 USD mark and maybe even trying to test $900 USD in the next couple of days. Of course as it usually happens when BTC is on the rise pretty much all other altcoins are going down, so no surprises there either. We are still not as high as the price from a few years ago during the MtGox crisis that has artificially increased the exchange rate of Bitcoin, but still things are looking very positive. At the moment predictions for a price of $1000 USD or more during early 2017 do not seem too pessimistic, even $2000 USD by the end of the next year is not so far fetched anymore.

To keep a track of the up tod ate exchange rates of Bitcoin and other altcoins on Bitcoinwisdom…
