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Posts Tagged ‘Black Friday crypto currency


Another year of Bitcoin and another Bitcoin Black Friday is coming in just about two days from now, so if you are planning to spend some BTC, then you might want to take a look at the upcoming deals and promotions this Friday. The dedicated website Bitcoin Black Friday is currently taking up offers from merchants that want to take part and the offers will go live on Friday, just like the years before. So make sure you check it out on Friday for some good deals or maybe if you are selling a product or a service you might also take the opportunity to provide a Black Friday deal and attract some more customers. Also you might want to double check on some seemingly attractive promotions and websites just to be sure that you are going to be getting a better deal and not being taken advantage of as events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday also attracts some shady people that are just trying to make some quick money off users!

To check up the Bitcoin Black Friday website for some interesting details this Friday…


Black Friday is almost here and Bitcoin users should also prepare for some nice deals and discounts for various crypto currency related items and not only. The website Bitcoin Black Friday is dedicated to collecting various deals that should go live on November 27th 2015 (Black Friday), so you might want to check it out in a few days when things get hot. Meanwhile the website is still accepting merchants that want to offer a good deal to users for the Bitcoin Black Friday, so there is time for getting your deal listed if you want to have something special for Black Friday customers. The dedicated website expects that over 2000 merchants will take part in this year’s Bitcoin Black Friday.

To visit the dedicated Bitcoin Black Friday website for more details…
