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Posts Tagged ‘Canaan Avalon A10

Canaan Creative has announced heir second generation 7nm AvalonMiner ASIC – the A10 that should be capable of delivering 31 THS SHA256 hashrate with 1736W of power usage (56 W/THS energy efficiency). The 30 THS efficiency with 1700 Watts of power usage was supposed to be delivered last year with the announcement of the first 7nm ASIC miner – the Canaan Avalon A9, however the first generation 7nm hardware was not able to deliver what was promised. Not to mention it came at a bad time for the mining and crypto in general – a declining profit and the whole crypto market going down, so the demand for the new devices was really low. Instead of 30 THS, the AvalonMiner A921 was only capable of delivering 20 THS at 1700W of power usage, so the new 2nd gen A10 devices should finally be able to deliver that level of power efficiency. No word yet on pricing and exact availability dates, the official website still does not list the new devices and Canaan is talking about March availability and they just made the announcement at the end of the month, so we should wait a bit more for additional details…
