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Posts Tagged ‘ccMiner 1.8.3 windows


A quick update with a new Windows binary compiled from the latest ccMiner 1.8.3-git fork from tpruvot (source) with some improvement in the LBRY mining performance based on Alexis Provos work and basic implementation of the Veltor algorithm with some other minor fixes. The release below includes two versions of ccMiner, one is 32-bit binary for Windows that is compiled with CUDA 7.5 and with support for Compute 2.0 or newer Nvidia GPUs, and another that is 64-bit Windows binary compiled with CUDA 7.5 for Compute 3.5 or newer Nvidia GPUs. We have tried compiling the 32-bit version of ccminer with CUDA 6.5, but the resulting version did have some issues with LBRY, so we have compiled with 7.5 as well and it worked fine.

To download the latest ccMiner version 1.8.3-git by tpruvot 32/64-bit for Windows OS…
