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Posts Tagged ‘CEXIO


As a part of our ongoing tests of different automated trading solutions of crypto currencies we have now started testing the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot. We have already tested multiple solutions available for automated trading on the most popular crypto currency exchanges such as BTC Robot, Butterbot and Cryptotrader. All of these have both their own advantages as well as disadvantages, so you should check out our impressions and tests that we have ran using them to trade on different crypto exchanges. Let us get back to the Haasonline’s solution as the next in line for testing. We’ve had our eye on this software for a while already, but what was stopping us from trying it was the fact that there is no trial version available and the price of the software is quite high. With that said this automated trading solution seems to be one of the most advanced one out there and at the same time still being relatively easy for people that are not experienced traders. What is even stranger is the fact that there is not a lot of information available for the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot and no detailed reviews to actually help you in deciding if you should get it or not and the software has been available for some time already. Even the information about getting started and using the software is a bit scarce, so if you are a total newbie you might still have some trouble until you get to know the functionality of the software.


We should start with what are the most important features that the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot provides you with. There are two versions of the software available, a Simple Trade Bot currently available for 0.45 BTC and an Advanced Trade Bot being sold for 0.90 BTC at the moment (these are apparently promo prices). So as we’ve already said the software does not come very cheap, but if it can help you actually make some money with automated crypto trades you might be able to quickly get back what you have paid for it. The major difference between the two versions of the trading software is that with the Simple one you get a maximum of 3 trade-bots active at the same time, and there is a limited number of securities and technical indicators available unlike wit the Advanced versions that has unlimited number of active bots and all of the trading options available. Now, what is recommended is to start with the Simple Trade Bot to try it and get to know the software and if you like it and want to get the full extras, then you can just upgrade it by paying only the difference in price to the Advanced version. This means that you can start with 0.45 BTC for the Simple bot and then only pay another 0.45 BTC to upgrade to the Advanced bot.

What you should also note about the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot software is that it is something you download and install on your own computer. The software runs as a server on your own computer that needs to be on and online all of the time in order to get effective trades and you are controlling it through a web browser. You need Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1 (32-bits or 64-bits) operating system in order to run the trading software, Windows XP and RT are not supported. Now, if you don’t have or don’t want to run a computer 24/7 with the trading software installed on it, then you can get a Windows VPS server and install the trading software on it in order to get it running all the time and being accessible from different locations. Note that the trading software comes with a license for installation on a single computer and the license you purchase is valid for 2 years.


Moving on to what crypto exchanges the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot supports. There is automated support for trading on Bitstamp, BTC-e, BTCChina, CampBX, CexIO and Cryptsy. The two most interesting thing is probably the presence of suport for Cryptsy as this adds a lot of flexibility thanks to the many alternative cryptos traded on that exchange, though CEX support and BTCChina might be interesting for some people. The comprehensive support for multiple exchanges and exchanges that not only trade BTC and LTC, but many other alternative cryptos in a single trading software is definitely a plus. There was also support for MtGox in the previous versions of the trading bot, but now that has been removed as Gox is no more.

When you are creating a bot in the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot you need to select the exchange it will operate on as well as what currency pair it will trade with and you can set a limit of the currency that it will be trading with if you don’t wan to use the full amount in the exchange. Then you have three set of tools that can be selected and the trading will be executed based on what Safeties, Indicators and Insurances you have chosen for the bot to use. The Safeties, as the name implies, are tools to protect your from losses in case something serious happens on the market, there are multiple tools that you can use for the bot you are configuring to ensure safe trading. Next are the Indicators – tools that use market analysis based on different algorithm to give signals when the bot should buy and sell. The third set of tools called Insurances are there to help you actually get profit when your bot is executing trades. An example of insurance is to take into account the exchange fees when trading, so that the profit you make should be higher than the trade fee for example, so that you will actually be making money and not trading just to cover the trade fee or even loose money from the trade because of the fee.

After you setup your bot you can do a backtest on the already available market data in order to see what kind of performance you can expect before actually activating it and allowing the bot to start trading live. Many of the tools you have available allow for further adjustment of their settings, so you can backtest and fine tune them for better results. The Haasonline Automated Trading Bot has another interesting feature called auto-tune, that basically allows you to automatically tune the trade Indicators of your bot in order to get even better results when the bot is trading. We are still checking out things and getting used to the features of the trading software, but you can expect more information and tips from us once we get better at the whole process of bot trading and optimization. The important thing is that we like what we are seeing so far and we can say for sure this is indeed the most advanced automated trading software for crypto currencies we’ve tested so far. If you are wondering what a good starting point for a trading bot is, then we can recommend to start with RSI and Stochastic Indicators with their default settings and the OvercomeFeeCosts Insurance and then see how the bot will work before starting to play further.


And now for some quick results from our first simple trade bot configurations using the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot software and the above advice we have shared about the two Indicators with their default settings and the Insurance for the fees. Note that on CEX there is no trading fee, so there is no need to use the OvercomeFeeCosts Insurance there anyway, but on Cryptsy and BTC-e there is a fee for each trade. We have setup LTC/BTC trade bots for BTCe and Cryptsy as well as GHS/BTC trade bot for CexIO and within an hour we got a few trades executed realizing some profit. Note that we’ve allowed the bots to operate with only small amounts of currency while we are testing, so even if we got something wrong we would loose only small amount. The good thing is that the software allows you to set limits on the amount of cash or crypto coins each bot can operate with. That is why our profits from the trades of the bots may seem so low, by using larger amounts for trades you can realize more profit, but the risk of loosing more is there as well, so be careful with that when you start trading at first and haven’t setup enough protection features for your trading bots.

This pretty much summarizes our first thoughts and impressions of the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot software, but we’ll be keeping you up to date how things progress as we get to know the software better and have more experience configuring and optimizing the trade bots for different exchanges and crypto currency pairs. For the moment we like what we are seeing and we already got some positive results from the first trades executed with a very simple configuration for the trading bots we have setup for three different crypto exchanges. We are very positive about this automated trading software for the moment and hope we’ll soon have more information to share with you. Again if you are interested in checking it out, you better get the Simple Trading Bot first as you can always upgrade it to the advanced version later on by paying only the extra difference should you decide you need all of the features available.

For more information about the Haasonline Automated Trading Bot for crypto currencies…


We’ve been using the services for a while already and have decided to share some of our experience and tips and tricks in order to help you get the best out of the service if you are using it or plan to use it at some point. The idea behind CEX is that you can purchase BTC ASIC hashrate in the cloud, so that the purchased GHS will start mining Bitcoins immediately for you. also has an exchange where you actually buy and sell hashrate – GHS for BTC or NMC, and also can trade LTC/BTC and NMC/BTC. The service also includes the BTC mining pool where your cloud hashrate is mining for you, and if yuo have physical Bitcoin miners you can also point them to that pool to mine coins for you – the pool fee is 0% and currently this is the largest of the BTC mining pools.


The fact that you don’t actually buy GHS at a fixed price, but instead you can purchase hashrate at the current market price is both a good and a bad thing. Due to the fact that there is an exchange available you need to trade BTC or NMC for GHS in order to get some hasrate to mine for you, so you can expect the price you will have to pay for 1 GHS to be 2-3 times higher than what you would pay for a physical Bitcoin ASIC. The good thing with cloud mining at is that you can easily and quickly sell your hashrate at the exchange at any time. The bad thing is that there is a very high chance that in a few days or weeks of time the exchange rate per GHS will most likely be lower than the rate at you purchased. This is happening because of the constantly increasing difficulty of the Bitcoin network, and as a result the rate at which your cloud hashrate is mining coins for you will also drop in time. This makes it not worthwhile to invest in GHS on the long run expecting that you will end up with profit from what you have mined with the purchased hasrate after you sell the gigahashes you purchased on the exchange in a while.


What you should consider to do if you plan on using effectively is to trade GHS on the exchange (there is a 0% fee for trades on that exchange) and while you are trading them the purchased hasrate will generate you some extra profit as it will mine for Bitcoins. This is simply the best and most profitable option that will give you the chance to make some extra profit, though it will require you to have some trading knowledge and experience in order to do the right decisions on the exchange. It is not a wise idea to look for automated trading solution to help you in trading such as the Cryptotrader platform that we’ve reviewed recently unless you really know what you are going to do with it. On the other hand the use of some sort of market indicators such as EMA can help you in making the right decisions at the right time. You can find a good source for technical analysis of the GHS market at Bitcoinwisdom, but be careful with these indicators as well as they can only help you identify the market trends and not guarantee you anything.

For more information about the Bitcoin cloud mining and exchange…


The Bitcoin Cloud Hashing service CEX.IO is currently down for an hour for a scheduled maintenance (3PM-4PM GMT). This downtime includes only the CEX cloud mining services that should be restored and the miners with cloud hashrate should be compensated with brief higher hashrate than they actually have purchased as the CEX does normally when there is downtime. The maintenance mode should continue for an hour and after that everything should be back to normal. The mining pool is fully operational and you can use it with dedicated miners if you have any during the maintenance period.

Update: Everything is back to normal now and you should’ve received slight boost for a bit in your hashrate to be compensated for the downtime.

For more information about the cloud service and to try Bitcoin Cloud Mining at CEX.IO…
