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Posts Tagged ‘cpu miner


Using the CPU or the central processing unit of your computer to mine crypto currency is pretty much considered outdated nowadays with the only exception being mining new altcoins that are CPU only. If you are interested to find out what hashrate you can expect to get from a powerful multi-core CPU at the moment with come of the more popular crypto algorithms in order to compare to your AMD Radeon 280X GPU or Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti for example, you might want to look at the results we got below. They are achieved using the cpuminer-multi fork on an Intel Core i7 5820K processor (6 core with HT or 12 logical cores) running at default operating frequency (non-overclocked).

Algorithm – Hashrate:
Scrypt – 129 KHS
Scrypt:N – 26.2 KHS
Sha256d – 10.7 MHS
Blake – 18024 KHS
Cryptonight – 192.7 HS
Fresh – 487.2 KHS
Lyra2 – 744.8 KHS
Neoscrypt – 22.2 KHS
Qubit – 488 KHS
Quark – 664.8 KHS
X11 – 308.1 KHS
X13 – 211.4 KHS
X14 – 202.6 KHS
X15 – 194.4 KHS

The cpuminer-multi fork that we used for the test does support more algorithms than those that we tested with, we’ve skipped some because it is hard to find operational pools or even alive crypto coins to use some of them. So we did not test all of the algorithms such as S3, NIST5, Pentablake and a few others that are supported by the software miner. Use these numbers as a reference only for comparing to GPU mining hardware as you probably will not want to use your CPU to mine with on these algorithms anyway. The only exception being Lyra2RE, because this algorithm does provide a very decent hashrate on the CPU as compared to what you can get with a GPU miner.


CPU mining is already completely pointless if you are going to be mining for Bitcoins or another SHA-256 crypto currency, the same goes for Litecoin and other Scrypt currencies. You however may need to test something, like a pool or anything else and may not have a handy GPU or an ASIC to test with, so a CPU miner could still be handy. Below you can download the latest version of the Pooler 2.3.2 CPU miner for Windows with ready bat files for Scrypt and SHA-256 mining. You only need to insert the right settings for the pool and worker and can start testing…

You can download Pooler 2.3.2 CPU miner for Windows (Scrypt/SHA-256) for Windows here…


After trying out PTS mining at ypool we have also decided to try out another Protoshares mining pool with CPU mining to see if we are going to get better results with the Round-Based Pay Per Share (RBPPS) payment system and the lower 3.5% fee that the 1GH PTS mining pool has. We’ve been testing the pool with GPU miners lately, however for the last 24 hours we tested only with CPU miners to see what profit we are going to get.

The two CPUs we’ve used for mining are:
– Intel Core i5 2500K Quad Core 3.3 GHz
– AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Six Core 3.3 GHz

The 1GH pool we used for PTS mining has:
– 3.5% fee

The total earnings for 24 hour period (confirmed + unconfirmed):
– 0.1169 PTS

The value of the Protoshares mined for 24 hours is as follows:
– 0.00173806 BTC
– ~$1.38 USD

The profit we got from the 1GH PTS mining pool was a bit higher than the one we’ve managed to get for 24 hours at ypool, however the difference in USD is also affected by the BTC/USD and PTS/BTC exchange rates. What is clear however is the fact that there is not much point in mining Protoshares (PTS) with CPU at the moment, if you plan on mining Protoshares then you need to think about going for GPU mining. The 1GH Protoshares mining pool has a very good performing GPU miner that works on both AMD graphics and Nvidia graphics very well. Furthermore the 1GH pool has another advantage over ypool and that s the fact that this pool sends automatically your earnings as long as they are over 0.1 PTS confirmed and in ypool the minimum is 1 PTS.
