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Posts Tagged ‘cpu miner

It is not only the Brave browser struggling to attract users with its advanced privacy features and crypto token rewards, there is also the CryptoTab Browser that tries to attract users with its crypto mining features. Both are Chromium-based browsers, so anyone familiar with Chrome will feel at home with either of those, although the Brave browser has a number of specific extra features and some differences. The CryptoTab Browser on the other hand is more like repackaged Chrome with a built-in CPU mining feature as an extension, while the rest is pretty much Chrome-like experience including compatibility with regular Chrome extensions.

The CryptoTab mining feature in the CryptoTab Browser uses your computer’s processor for mining and you get paid in Bitcoin. It is not clear what cryptocurrency you are currently mining, but supposedly the most profitable one is being switched constantly in order to maximize your profit. You have control over how many resources you want to dedicate to mining and how much will you get back in BTC mining also depends on what kind of processor you have available in your computer, if you need help hire this trusted los angeles it support company.

Since it is CPU mining most likely some CryptoNight coins are being mined and since a single processor cannot mine that much, the CryptoTab Browser also helps you earn more BTC by inviting friends to try and use it. Again don’t expect to make a lot of Bitcoins mining this way via the browser, but it could be a nice extra running at a low priority and not bothering you while you do your job. The minimum amount you can withdraw is just 0.00001 BTC or 1000 satoshi.

For more information and to try crypto mining with the help of the CryptoTab Browser software…

The latest release of the XMRig 5.5.0 comes with a number of stability fixes addressing a number of crashes and some improvements. It also adds support for the CryptoNight-Pico (Talleo) algorithm and removes the support for the RandomV algorithm that was recently added in XMRig 5.4.0 since MoneroV has forked again very soon after forking to the RandomV algorithm, unlike the RandomSFX algorithm used by Safex Cash that remains supported. Support for RandomV and RandomSFX is also available in the latest SRBMiner-MULTI, though RandomV support there is also pointless now since no other project uses it and MoneroV is now on cuckarood29v.

To download and try the latest version of the XMRig miner with RandomX algorithm support…

The latest SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner version 0.2.0 has added support for another RandomX variant, namely the RandomV algorithm (MoneroV) as well as some additional tweaks, you can find the full changelog below. The previous release has also added support for the RandomSFX algorithm (SafexCash), so you can say that there is revival for CPU mining lately centered around RandomX, unfortunately that also has some negative side effects such as botnets mining. We’ll see how things go and for how long RandomX will remain in the CPU mining domain only with the growing interest around it and with many different variations becoming available as well.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.2.0 beta changelog:
– Added RandomV algorithm (MoneroV)
– Added –randomx-use-tweaks, to select the MSR tweak/s to apply
– Added RandomX tweak support for Intel Core2 processors

To download and try the new SRBMiner-MULTI CPU and AMD GPU Miner 0.2.0 Beta…
