Posts Tagged ‘ETH DAG Epoch

Up until not long ago Ethereum (ETH) and in general most of Ethash AMD and Nvidia GPU mining was mostly done with Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0, but unfortunately the miner stopped working as it had support up to DAG Epoch 384 for Ethereum. Furthermore, Claymore, the developer of the software has apparently disappeared or at least has stopped updating his software, so miners had to go for alternatives. Currently the most popular miner that has succeeded Claymore’s miner is PhoenixMiner, but Claymore’s miner is not entirely dead yet. Enter the user Justaminer on Bitcointalk, who has apparently modified Claymore’s miner without having access to the source code in order to make it work once more.

Just_a_miner’s modification called More Epochs mod for Claymore ETH Miner v15 brings support for DAG epochs 385 and later to the miner, so that you can continue using it. The only difference is that the 1% development fee will not go to Claymore anymore (it cannot because his miner is not working anymore), but to Just_a_miner who has revived the Claymore miner back from the dead and will hopefully keep it working on the long run. His modification brings support of DAG epochs up to 500, fixes bugs of the original miner such as restoring access to nvml.dll on Windows 10, adds support of new Nvidia drivers 460.89+. So, it is not just a modification to enable support for newer DAG epochs, but other issues of the original miner also have been addressed. Currently this mod supports only the Windows version of the miner and is targeted at Nvidia GPUs, however there is also test support of several AMD Radeon GPUs: RX 470, RX 480, RX 580, Vega and Navi. The latest version of the Claymore mod from Justaminer is 1.4, so make sure you download and that one and not an earlier version.

To download the latest More Epochs Мod v1.4 for Claymore Ethereum (ETH) Miner v15…

The latest version of Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 has been released a while ago, but there seem to be quite a lot of people mining Ethash-based coins using older versions of the miner on their GPUs. If you are one of these people that update their GPU mining rigs less often and do not touch them while they are working just fine without always updating to the latest mining software, you should plan to upgrade to the latest version 15 of the miner. The reason for that is quite simple, Ethereum (ETH) is reaching DAG Epoch 299 very soon (currently at 296) and older versions of the miner will simply stop working as prior version 15 of the Claymore Dual Miner DAG Epoch support is until 299. Some of you might have actually experienced issues with that if trying to mine Ethereum Classic (ETC) as it is a bit ahead of ETH in terms of DAG Epochs and already past the 299 mark (currently at 305), so for ETC version 15 is a must. This problem is specific for the Claymore miner as there are other Ethash miners that do not have the limitation out there, but this is still the most popular GPU miner for Ethash, so make sure you re up to date to avoid any possible downtime when ETH reaches Epoch 299. Other forks of Ethereum are way behind on their DAG Epochs, so they do not have a possible problem with older versions for now, though you should still update just to be on the safe side. It is especially important to be up to date with version 15 if you are using services such as NiceHash where you might be mining a lot of different coins with your Ethash hashrate, including ETC.

For more information and to download the latest Claymore Dual ETH miner 15.0 (Windows/Linux)…

As both Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) are getting close to the Epoch 299 (the currently supported one by the previous versions Claymore GPU miners) Claymore has released an updated version of his dual GPU miner for Ethash algorithm with the new version 15.0 supporting up to Epoch 384. If you don’t know the Epoch 384 will mark the limit for mining for the GPUs with 4GB video memory, meaning that they will not be able to mine Ethereum (ETH) anymore as well as any other fork that reaches that epoch. Currently Ethereum Classic is at Epoch #289 or slightly ahead of Ethereum which is at Epoch #281, so make sure you update your Claymore miner before reaching #299 if you are mining any of these Ethereum variants (or any other Ethash-based alternatives although they are probably far behind in terms of Epochs). Reaching Epoch #384 is probably going to happen near the end of 2020 and the next 6GB Epoch is probably going to be reached sometime around beginning of 2024 for Ethereum… that is unless we switch to PoS before that time, but even if ETH switches to Proof of Stake other Ethash coins probably won’t.

Apart from the update regarding new DAG Epoch support for the latest version 15.0 of Claymore’s Dual AMD and Nvidia Ethereum GPU miner, there is also added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode), now the miner also sets environment variables automatically (required for 4GB AMD cards) as well as some minor bug fixes and improvements. So make sure that you update your miner for Ethash if mining ETH or ETC at the moment on your GPU mining rigs, before the software stops functioning properly at Epoch #299, you have a bit more time before that happens, but do not wait for the last minute.

For more information and to download the latest Claymore Dual ETH miner 15.0 (Windows/Linux)…
