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Posts Tagged ‘Ethereum AMD miner

Team Red Miner is a performance optimized cryptocurrency miner for AMD GPUs with support for lyra2rev3, lyra2z, phi2, CryptoNight v8 (CNv2) and CryptoNight R (CNv4), X16 variants, MTP, Cuckarood29 and Cuckatoo31 and now adding Ethash support as well in the latest 0.6 release. The miner is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems, a closed source software with 2.5% to 3% development fee built-in for all algos except Ethash, for Ethash on Polaris GPUs the dev fee is 0.75% and on all other GPUs is 1.0%.

A quick test of the Team Red Miner 0.6.0 for mining ETH (current DAG 299) on AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB GPUs has shown hashrate very similar to what other Ethash miners are capable of delivering on the same hardware, so performance wise things seem to be very good. Of course why to switch from one Ethash miner that you might be already familiar with such as Claymore’s Dual Miner to another that has just introduced support… that is up to you to decide, though you should give it a try.

To download and try the latest Team Red Miner 0.6.0 with Ethash support…

Source: Bitcoins mit PayPal kaufen
