Posts Tagged ‘Ethereum GUI wallet


Finally there is work being done on an official GUI wallet for Ethereum that is curiously hosted in the Ethereum Mist Dapp Browser GitHub repository. Do note that this is a beta release that although functional could have some issues and is some advanced functionality is still not implemented, but the idea in this release is to get user feedback and to find any bugs. This is an official Ethereum GUI wallet that currently works along a Geth client as a backend, but should also be compatible with the Eth as well. The Mac and Windows 64-bit releases come bundled with Geth node and if you are not using it already it will need to synchronize the blockchain at the first start, otherwise it should tap to the already downloaded blockchain (already over 1.7 GB size) and work with any wallets available (backing the keys first is recommended). For other binary releases you would need to have the Geth (or Eth) client already running and then launch the Wallet GUI in order for it to work. Again, since this is a beta software it is best if you try it out on a system where you do not have a working Ethereum client installed in order to avoid any possible issues.

Another interesting development around Ethereum lately is apparently the start of adoption of Stratum support, there is the Stratum-Proxy for Ethereum project supported by Dwarfpool as well as the news that EthPool is working on a stratum enabled fork of Ethminer called qtminer that will be supported on their mining pool, but may get adopted by other pools. The current getwork implementation by Ethereum is not very practical and effective as compared to the Stratum implementation that is currently the standard for communication between pools and miners.

To download an test the new official Ethereum GUI Wallet 0.3.2 (Beta 2)…
