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Dual-mining or mining two different crypto currencies at the same time is a good way to optimize the performance and profitability of your GPU mining hardware, especially at times like now when the profitability from mining is low. Zilliqa or ZIL has added a new level of the traditional dual mining where you normally mine a GPU coin and a Memory coin on the same GPU, because it is mined for just a minute every two hours. This way you can dual-mine ETC + ZIL without losing almost any of your hashpower for the second coin, but also you can add a third coin in the mix, a GPU-heavy coin and thus try to even further improve your profitability. Dual-mining is also possible on some ASIC miners as well such as the iPollo series of ETC/ETH miners where you can mine an Ethash or ETChash crypto coin together with ZIL, thus getting an extra 30% higher profit compared to just normal mining.

Kaspa or KAS is an interesting and still highly unnoticed project that is just recently starting to gain attention not only form miners, but from investors as well. A couple of days ago we have discussed how you can start mining Kaspa (KAS) and since then the coin has pretty much doubled in trading price and was going up in a market conditions where most other crypto coins were going down. So, if you still haven’t checked out Kaspa (KAS) and its very fast block times and transfer on-chain, then you should do so as it will become even faster in the near future. Also, do not miss your chance to mine some coins now as well and make some really nice profit in the future!

We are not going to focus on KAS now, here we are going to be talking about Dual-Mining ETC and KAS as well as Tripple-Mining ETC + KAS + ZIL. Etereum Classic (ETC) uses the memory heavy Etchash algorithm while Kaspa (KAS) relies on the kHeavyHash algorithm for mining which is a GPU heavy one, so they are a great combo together for dual-mining and adding Zilliqa (ZIL) on top of these two makes a great mining threesome for optimal performance and profit. You can of course use not only ETC, but other Ethash or ETChash crypto to pair up with KAS and ZIL for triple mining, so the choice is up to you. To answer your question before you ask, yes, we are currently mining ETC + KAS + ZIL on our Nvidia mining GPUs.

We are going to focus on using lolMiner for dual-mining and triple mining here (latest version 1.62), although other miners such as Gminer and Bzminer for instance also support dual and/or triple mining and the procedure there is similar, although the command line to run the miner might be different. Currently we like the stability and performance of lolMiner the best as far as Kaspa mining is concerned, but feel free to use a different miner if you prefer it over lolMiner. The examples below use the mining pool for Dual mining ETC + ZIL and the WoolyPooly pool for mining KAS, other mining pools should work, but may require a bit of a different configuration settings. Do not forget to replace ETC_WALLET, ZIL_WALLET, KASPA_WALLET and WORKER with your own wallets for the respecitve crypto currency as well as the name or number of your machine as worker.

ETC + KAS Dual Mining:
lolMiner.exe --algo ETCHASH --pool --user ETC_WALLET.WORKER --dualmode KASPADUAL --dualpool --dualuser KASPA_WALLET.WORKER

ETC + KAS + ZIL Triple Mining:
lolMiner.exe --algo ETCHASH --pool --user ETC_WALLET.ZIL_WALLET.WORKER --enablezilcache --dualmode KASPADUAL --dualpool --dualuser KASPA_WALLET.WORKER

Now, although we are showing you dual and triple mining configurations, it is really pointless not to take advantage of the triple mining option as it will only benefit you even more as ZIL mining hardly affects the mining performance of the two other coins and the extra profit it will bring you is definitely worth it!

So, with the above settings the miner will try to maximize the ETC mining hashrate and fill in the available GPU resources with some KAS calculations, thus you will be getting pretty much the same hashrate for ETC and about 1/4 to 1/5 of the usual KAS hashrate compared to KAS only mining. On a rig with 6x RTX 3080 GPUs that do 570 MH/s ETC only or 5500 MH/s KAS only we are getting around 565 MH/s ETC and around 1400 MH/s KAS hashrate in triple mining plus an extra up to 30% profit from the mined ZIL in triple mining mode (without the ZIL in dual mining only). On different GPUs your results may vary of course, especially on slower video cards, but the extra hashrate and profit should still be worth it.

In terms of the mining settings, you need to just return the GPU clock to its default value if you were downclocking it for ETC/ETH mining previously, the memory clock and the power limit levels should remain the same as for ETC/ETH mining. You could of course increase the power limit in order to get some extra hashrate for KAS, but that will also lead to increased power usage as well. The idea is to keep the ETC/ETH mining settings including the power limit, so that you would actually get more mined with the same power usage as if you were just ETC mining for instance.

Now you have more options to increase your mining profit by dual mining not only Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Zilliqa (ZIL) on the mining pool thanks to the addition of EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) pools that allow dual mining together with ZIL. EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) are forks from Ethereum (ETH) that split after the Merge and continued to exist as Proof of Work blockchains. So, unlike Ethereum (ETH) that is now Proof of Stake (PoS) only you can mine these using GPUs or Ethash mining ASICs.

These two “newcomers” are much smaller in terms of networks with ETHW being the larger and more talked about one of the two compared to what ETH had prior to the fork, but they do present some opportunity for miners. Profit of mining these alone currently is not much different than what you get mining Ethereum Classic (ETC), but if you combine any of them with ZIL for dual-mining you can earn an extra 30-40% more than just by mining any of the coins alone, just like you could do with ETC after the fork. The pool has 1% default commission for miners though if you use the promo code 509cd, you will get an extra 0.10% cashback for two weeks, essentially lowering the initial mining fee of the pool from 1% to 0.9% for some time. So, why not give them a try and try to make a bit more with your mining hardware.

On a side note, due to the higher profitability with dual mining and more people apparently noticing this option it also seems that Etchash profitability on NiceHash has also increased as of late compared to just mining ETC only. Do note however that the fluctuation of profitability on NiceHash can make bigger and sudden swings as compared to dual mining with ZIL that seems to provide a more steady and predictable profit calculation.

Since we have been dual mining ETC and ZIL after the Merge happened on the Ethereum network we’ve seen slight drop ETC in network hashrate after the initial peak, but the price of Ethereum Classic in USD/EUR also dropped a bit. So, all in all, while currently you might be able to mine some more ETC coins their total in fiat may be a bit lower than earlier this month. That is if you are mining and selling for fiat immediately.

To Get Started Dual-mining ETC, ETHW or ETHF and ZIL on the Mining Pool…

With the recent switch of Ethereum (ETH) from Proof of Mining (PoW) to Proof of Staking (PoS) there was a big change in the crypto mining landscape. There was an enormous mining power consisting of a lot of Ethash-based ASIC miners and even more GPUs having to be switched to other crypto currencies and nothing else could handle so much computational power being forwarded to it’s network without significant increase in difficulty and thus a huge drop in profitability. Now, a few days later there is still pretty much nothing that can be stably mined with GPUs at a profit, even covering for the electricity that mining GPUs use with what you mine is still an issue. People are wondering and asking What to Mine, but nothing is really profitable yet, though if you are willing to cover your electricity cost and save what you mine in crypto for now there are a lot of options available.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is one of the obvious choices when it comes to switching your mining hardware from ETH after the PoW to PoS switch happened, as it is easier and familiar, but profitability wise is it not among the coins that currently bring you the least loss (in term of revenue). There is however something that you can do in order to improve the situation a bit and that is to Dual-Mine ETC and Zilliqa (ZIL), similar to previously doing the same with ETH+ZIL Dual-Mining. Currently the reported extra profit from ZIL is around 30+ extra percent compared to just when mining Ethereum Classic (ETC) on its own, though that value can vary and be even higher at times, so definitely worth checking the Dual-Mining option if you are only mining ETC at the moment. Of course even this way you are probably not going to even fully cover the electricity costs, but 30% more is still 30% more, so you can only gain extra and not loose anything if you are solo mining ETC. The pool has 1% default commission for miners though if you use the promo code 509cd, you will get an extra 0.10% cashback for two weeks, essentially lowering the initial mining fee of the pool from 1% to 0.9% for some time.

To Get Started Dual-mining ETC and ZIL on the Mining Pool…
