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Posts Tagged ‘Genesis Mining profitability


The cloud mining service Genesis Mining has lowered the prices of their Scrypt mining hashrate down from $79 USD per MHS to $49 USD per MHS for 1 year contracts. For 20 MHS contract you will no longer have to pay $1380 USD, but $880 USD instead and for 100 MHS cloud mining Scrypt contract the price is down from $5900 USD to $3900 USD. These prices are for 1 year mining contract and they include all of the fees associated such as for hosting, electricity and maintenance, so there is nothing extra that you need to pay. You can also get an extra 5% discount from the regular price by using the promo code CryptoMiningBlog5

With the current market conditions the only way for you to manage to break even on a small hashrate investment during the duration of the mining contract is if the price and network difficulty for Litecoin remains the same as it is at the moment for 1 year and we know that this is not going to happen. Putting a more reasonable number like 3-5% increase at the current price there is no chance to even ROI in a year with the 100 MHS contract where you get a lower per MHS price. If you are going to bet on an increase of the price of LTC as usual it is better to just buy Litecoins instead of investing in cloud mining service that does not give you promising result when you run the numbers over a mining calculator. As usual when you are considering to invest in either cloud or real mining hardware do your math carefully and then decide if it is worth to go for it or not…

You can check the Scrypt and SHA256 cloud mining services offered by Genesis Mining here…


A few days ago, after a slight delay in the original scheduled release date, Genesis Mining has added Bitcoin cloud mining option to their already available Scrypt cloud mining service and apparently a X11 cloud mining might be coming soon as well. We have already reviewed the Scrypt cloud mining functionality of the service after it has been launched a while ago. The new Bitcoin cloud mining functionality however came with a bit of a redesign of the interface in order to accommodate the new features in a single dashboard, so that you can keep track of all your different hashrate and earnings in a single interface.

Back in June, when we have purchased 1 MHS Scrypt cloud mining hashrate to test the service the price was about twice as high compared to now, but the profitability was about 3-4 times higher. At the moment things are not looking so bright as they were about three months ago, still we are almost halfway getting our investment back. If you invest now however things are already not looking so bright as you might not be able to ROI in the term of the contract (standard 1 year, though there are options available for 1.5 and 2 years with lower price for the extra time) and that is with the difficulty not increasing from the level it is now. It is true that lately the LTC network difficulty has been keeping a stable level, but it is completely unreasonable to expect that to keep forever. The price of LTC is also not that good either at the moment, but if you are going to bet on Litecoin getting more valuable, then you can just buy coins and profit from their price increase later on.


Unfortunately running the numbers with the current price of Bitcoin cloud mining of about 0.006 BTC per GHS ($2.9 per GHS) the outcome is also not so bright as with the Scrypt cloud mining numbers. It is nice that there are no maintenance fees and the price you pay is for 1 year mining contract, but at the current state of things you will barely manage to get a return of the investment if the BTC network hashrate does not increase from its current level and we all know that this will not happen. With an average increase of 15% per readjustment the network difficulty will get to a level that there is absolutely no chance for you to even ROI, let alone profit from a 1 year contract if the price of BTC remains the same. And again if you are going to bet on increase of the price of BTC in the future, then you better just buy Bitcoins now and wait for them to become more expensive.

Now that everyone seems to be moving towards cloud mining services you need to be very careful not to invest in scams that may try to attract with very low price on one hand and on the other to invest when there is very little to no chance of even returning your investment, let alone making profit. After all most of the people that mine crypto currencies do it to make some profit, so do run the numbers carefully through a profit calculator and consider when and where it is worth to invest into. Unfortunately there are quite a few cloud mining services that currently do not seem profitable with the current prices of crypto currencies and the already quite hard to mine them conditions.

Still, if you want to try the cloud mining services that Genesis Mining offers, you might take advantage of some promo codes to make the prices lower and get a chance for faster ROI at least. The guys from Genesis Mining have given us a special 5% discount code – CryptoMiningBlog5 for both Bitcoin and Scrypt cloud mining as well. After this code expires you can still get a 2.5% discount by using the promo code nSO2TE as this one does not have an expiration date and also works for both Scrypt and SHA-256 cloud mining hashrate that you can purchase at Genesis Mining.

You can check the Scrypt and SHA256 cloud mining services offered by Genesis Mining here…


Genesis Mining has announced that will start to offer Bitcoin mining contracts starting Thursday, August 28th 2014 or with other words tomorrow. The new Bitcoin mining contracts will be introduced at very competitive prices starting at as little as $2.15 per GH/s according to the company. And the pricing is transparent: there are no additional fees or hidden costs. Up to now Genesis Mining has been offering only Scrypt cloud mining and we’ve been using the service for quite a while already and testing it, our initial impressions can be found here.

Genesis Mining has been open on what hardware they are using to back up the cloud mining hashrate they sell to users and also is one of the few companies into the cloud mining business that allows the user some control on what currency to be mined/payed in such as LTC, DOGE or BTC for example. Similar functionality should also be available to the Bitcoin cloud mining users who will be able to choose to mine other SHA-256 coins such as Peercoin or Namecoin for example. If you are wondering about the supplier of the Genesis Mining of Scrypt ASIC miners, it is ZeusMiner and the company that they have partnered for the SHA-256 mining hardware is apparently Spondoolies-Tech.

We do plan to purchase some Bitcoin cloud mining hashrate as soon as it becomes available and to do a short review of the new BTC mining functionality that should be introduced tomorrow, so stay tuned for our first impressions.

Update: 28th has passed and the Bitcoin cloud mining functionality is not yet available, it is not wise to announce a date and then not to deliver the promised things on it. Furthermore there is not a single word on either Twitter or Facebook about why and when we are actually going to see the functionality available. This is the easiest way to loose the users trust – promising and not keeping your promises, and not giving an excuse on you were not able to!
