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Posts Tagged ‘ scrypt


We have already stopped using the Litecoin Mining Pool after the initial problems and changes of rules to the one week double mining awards for LTC promotion that was running. We did recommend to our readers to do the same as we were really disappointed by how things were handled and the problems that were appearing. It seems however that what we have experienced as issues in the first day wasn’t the only problem, we got reports from readers that apparently still remained mining at the pool after that for more issues. Below is a quote from one such reader:

I would like to inform you of’s poor behavior. Notwithstanding your warnings about the LTC Promo, I was using their LTC pool for the last 2 days.

Here is the current state of things:

* They allowed a multipool to participate in the 2x promo(easily pushing the hash rate over the 2x limit of 25Gh/s)

* Agreed to pay for server error that kept our machines hashing without getting paid for 10 blocks. Then said “the support member was wrong ” when he said we “would get paid, so keep your machines running on the pool”.

* Randomly hashing blocks(3) without receiving payment(blocks not orphaned)

* Currently(as of this writing) having LTC withdraw issues. Users are reporting a “insufficient funds” error, despite having 5+ LTC.

All of these issues are experienced by many users. This is a very bad start to a site that looks so promising. In any event, I simply wanted to pass on this information in an attempt to prevent others from possibly getting Goxed.

There are a little over 3 days that remain until the end of the Doubled rewards for LiteCoin mining at the mining pool and we are again going to recommend you to stay away from the pool. Currently the multiplier is x1.25 and will hardly go back to x2 as the hashrate of the pool needs to drop in half. And if you experience a few more issues in the remaining time you could easily end up with the same or even lower than x1 the expected earnings from directly mining LTC in another pool.


After the announcement of the dual mining awards for the new Litecoin mining pool and then “changing the rules” on the go two times already, now it seems the LTC mining pool at the operated service is experiencing some temporary issues. A series of blocks (11 in total) in the LTC pool are getting no confirmations, probably marked as orphans, however this is about 3 hours of mining time literally wasted for the people that expect to be getting double awards for their hashrate. We have already gave our recommendation to move your miners from the LTC pool as soon as they started adding extra rules some time after the initial announcement for double mining awards. So if you still haven’t done so, we are again going to recommend that you do this now, because with a few more rule changes and issues in the pool there is a chance that you might end up with less than the normal LTC mining profit for a week instead of the promised 2x (or up to 2x in the best case). It seems that were not fully ready to launch their LTC mining pool and they were not ready to handle the overwhelming user interest to their 2x mining award and they are not handling it well even after changing the rules for the 2x award.


It seems that did not expect so overwhelming users interest in their dual mining rewards for Litecoin mining in their new pool. The pool has almost reached 40 GHS of Litecoing mining hashrate in less than 24 hours since the announcement of the promotion for the double payout per LTC block. And in order to prevent getting 51% of the Litecoin network, now the reward multiplier will be adjusted according to the pool speed. For a total hashrate of the pool below 40 GHS the 2x multiplier will remain active, between 40 and 60 GHS the multiplier will be just 1.25x and for over 60 GHS it will will go down back to x1. And since the Litecoin pool hahrate has already gone very close to 40 GHS it is possible that soon the profitability of mining LTC at the Litecoin mining pool might not be as good as if mining in alternative pools with automatic switching for the most profitable altcoin. So keep an eye on the pool hashrate if you have moved your Scrypt miners to the pool already to mine Litecoin and if the hashrate of the pool continues to rise so rapidly be ready to move back to other pools…

Update: It seems that now wants to drive away all of the users they brought back to their pool. The 2x bonus awards that was initially without a limit and then was available with the total pool speed of up to 40 GHS has now been reduced for a pool speed of 25 GHS. We no longer recommend to stay at their Litecoin mining pool, get your miners away from there as they are really not handling the situation well… move them now and withdraw your mined LTC earnings. We don’t want to have to check every few minutes if they have changed their mind yet again and as a result to have mined less LTC that we could’ve if we used another pool with no rules that change all the time and probably neither do most of you!
