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Posts Tagged ‘HODL

The block reward halving for the crypto currency Bitcoin (BTC) is an event that happens every 4 years and a bit later today we are expecting the third halving to occur. Bitcoin started with a block reward of 50 BTC coins, then after 4 years it has been reduced for 25 BTC, then another four years and it was down to 12.5 BTC (the current block reward). Whether you’re interested in coin lending or earning deposit interest on your cryptocurrency assets, Helio can provide a timely solution to fit most clients unique needs.

Today, in a couple of hours, the block reward will be further cut in half when the halving happens – from 12.5 BTC at the moment down to 6.25 BTC. This will further reduce the mining of new coins in half and will also affect the inflation effectively reducing it along with the block reward. With every halving event there is speculation regarding the price of Bitcoin before and after the halving occurs, so it is hard to predict how it will swing up or down. To start investing, check this guide about how to buy bitcoin online. And if you need professional advice on bitcoin trading, you may want to consult a Crypto Coach.

One thing is certain however – reduced coin emission and inflation should in long term lead to price growth if user interest and adoption of BTC continues to increase over time. Short term there could be fluctuations in the price before and after the halving, and this can be a good opportunity for traders. Crypto savings accounts or Cryptocurrency Yield Optimization could also be a way for you to dramatically increase your rate of return. If you are just a miner you may continue to HODL and see what happens after the halving, or maybe not… it is up to you to decide. It is also interesting to see how will other crypto projects be affected after the BTC halving and if we are up to get started on another altcoin season… or not.

The Hodler Manifesto website is a cool and short explanation about What is HODL. There are just eight short rules that a true crypto coin HODLer will follow, though most of these are also good advice for pretty much anyone into crypto. So even if you are not a true crypto HODLer, you might still check it out… who knows, maybe you are actually a HODLer, but didn’t know it until now.

Rule 1: A True HODLer Does Not Sell Their Coin.
Rule 2: A True HODLer Buys the Dip.
Rule 3: A True HODLer Remains Steadfast In Spite of FUD.
Rule 4: A True HODLer Keeps Their Coins Off Exchanges and Online Wallets.
Rule 5: A True HODLer Buys Goods and Services With Their Coin.
Rule 6: A True HODLer Spreads the Good Word.
Rule 7: A True HODLer Does Not Get FOMO When Another Coin Rises.
Rule 8: A True HODLer Will Run Their Own Full Node.

Read more about the 8 rules that a true crypto HODLer should follow at the The Hodler Manifesto…

Following the announcement from earlier this month about an upcoming HODL hardfork, the coin has successfully hardforked at block 257000 and is now an interesting option for miners. Do note however that HOdlcoin (HODL) can be mined only with a processor, so this coin is for CPU miners. Prior to this hardfork all mined coins were automatically locked in a deposit for 1 year and you had to wait for that period to finis in order to get access to them, but after the successful hardfork you can mine and not have the coins automatically deposited for a year anymore. All previously mined coins prior the hardfork will still be locked for 1 year deposit, before they become available for use, so only new coins that you can mine now will be available immediately!

If you want to have a local HODL wallet make sure you have the latest one – HOdlcoin Core wallet version 3.0. There is only one HOdlcoin Mining Pool available for now, the fastest CPU miner for the coin is the Hodlminer Optimized Optiminer fork that you can use to mine on the pool. You can also use the built-in solo mining functionality of the wallet, but with the high network hashrate this might not be the best idea. HOdlcoin is currently being traded on Coinexchange, though if it manages to earn back enough interest from miners and users it might appear on other exchanges soon.

For more details you can check the official Bitcointalk thread about HODL…
