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Posts Tagged ‘JSE coin

The JSEcoin project has just released their official mobile application on the Google Play Store and you can download it and give it a go. The JSEcoin App essentially is a mobile wallet and a mobile mining application that allows you to operate with your coins and mine new ones directly from your Android-based smartphone. If you do try the mining feature on your smartphone feel free to report what hashrate you are getting and on what device. Do not worry that mining JSE coin will keep your mobile device maxed out at 100% all the time, the algorithm is not that demanding and you also have control over how hard you want it to mine…

To download and try the official JSEcoin Android wallet and mining application…

We are pretty conservative as far as ICOs go, based on our previous experiences, so we don’t often talk about Initial Coin Offerings, but we live to point out that the JSEcoin ICO is now live. It is a project that we have been following for almost a year now and we can say that we like the idea and what we have seen so far. Going for an ICO with an actual working platform and product that makes sense is the way we want to see things happen as this is the right way to convince your audience and not just go with empty promises. The price of a single JSEcoin is currently estimated to about $0.006 USD in the ICO at the moment and a the current pricing 1 ETH = 75000 JSE + 10% early bird bonus.

So if you still haven’t checked JSEcoin out, then you might want to give it a go. Even if you are not interested in the currently running ICO to purchase JSE coins, you can just self mine them or use the web miner on your blog or a web site, so that visitors will mine for you. Unlike some other web-based miners such as the ones for Cryptonight the JSEcoin miner is not as heavy and demanding to actually make the visitor’s computer laggy and unresponsive because of the mining. There is also an opt-in system in place, so that visitors are being informed about the mining and they need to confirm they agree to share their computational resources when visiting a website with the JSEcoin miner installed.

For more information about the JSEcoin project and to give it a try yourself…

Back in September last year we have introduced to you the JSEcoin – Javascript Embeded Cryptocurrency for Webmasters, an interesting new project for web-based crypto currency mining targeted at webmasters for monetizing their traffic. It is a custom crypto currency project and not just another web-based CryptoNight miner like Coin Hive or GridCash. Since then a lot has happened and the project has continued its development and improvement, so if you have missed checking it out the last time, then you might want to give it a go now. Although it is originally intended fro webmasters to monetize their website traffic, the project also offer an option to self mine as well from within the browser, do note that both self mining and publisher mining have completely separate rewards.

While there is still no official exchange where the JSE coins are being traded, probably happening after the ICO, there are now merchant tools available for people to actually use JSEcoins as a means for payment for products or services online. Recently there have been some changes in the number of JSE tokens available and the total number to be issued with an increase of 200x of the number of tokens, the ones already held by users as well as the max cap. Mining rewards are also up of course, so you just get more coins, but the value should remain pretty much the same while JSEcoin is getting ready for an upcoming ICO where a maximum of 50% of the max total cap will be made available for sale. The ICO will be held later this year and we like projects that are running crowdsales of tokens when they already have a working service or product and not before that, so we are definitely going to continue watching this project as it develops.

For more details and to check out the current state of the JSEcoin (JSE) project…
