Posts Tagged ‘LTC exchange rate


After a pretty long period of keeping low prices Bitcoin and Litecoin may have started to finally recover to a higher levels, currently the BTC exchange rate is back to over $300 USD and LTC is above $2 USD. Definitely good news for people with small mining operations or using cloud mining services that were worried about their investments that were at risk with the possibility of contracts getting terminated. A quick look at CEX.IO however shows that cloud mining there is still unprofitable even at the current prices with the automatic settings to turn on cloud mining when it is again profitable. At the same time however we are still seeing a trend for the network difficulty of Bitcoin to go down and for Litecoin to keep at pretty much the same level after getting down significantly lately. With the current prices we are expecting to see some mining operations getting back online after being stopped due to the low exchange rate, especially mining operations that are working on the mine and sell immediately model. We’ll have to wait and see how things will go from here on…


Litecoin (LTC) difficulty has gone up again for the next 3 days. After DOGE coin moved past block 100000 and the reward per block was halved and the recent fork on the DOGE network accompanied by panic sell from some users things are finally getting back to normal. What also helped for that was the adjustment of difficulty for the LTC, going up by a bit more than 19% to 3207 has made DOGE much more profitable to mine at the moment. The DOGE difficulty has also decreased a bit, so as soon as the pool you are were mining DOGE has updated their DOGE software you can move back to mining DOGE again. Another good thing with the increase of the DOGE profitability, our new favorite backup pool LTC Rabbit has again started mining alternative cryptos such as DOGE and pays alt coin bonus after a few slow days with only LTC being mined. For the moment the alt coin bonus payed in LTC is small, but it should increase more after the next 4 hour shift is over due to the increase of DOGE profitability. Hopefully things with the recent BTC exchange issues will continue moving in the right direction and we should see the exchange rates for bot LTC and BTC starting to get back to their normal levels.
