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Posts Tagged ‘LTC halving countdown


There are just about two more days left before the first Litecoin (LTC) block reward halving occurs, this should happen sometime on Tuesday, August 25th. Litecoin’s block mining reward halves every 840000 blocks or roughly in 4 years, and we are going to see the first halving that will bring the coin reward down to 25 coins from the current reward of 50 coins. The total Litecoins mined when the first block reward halving occurs will be 42 million and for the next 4 years before the next halving occurs there will be 21 millions more LTC mined. The question how will the halving affect Litecoin (LTC) and especially the price of the alternative crypto currency is the one that miners are continuing to be asking as the day approaches. If you want to keep a track of when exactly the Litecoin block reward halving will occur, then you should know that there is a countdown on a dedicated website just for that available.

To visit the dedicated Litecoin Block Reward Halving Countdown website…
